      request #15020 REST representations can be hydrated even when they define a constructor
    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)
    2020-07-16 15:55
    2020-06-25 14:03
    REST representations can be hydrated even when they define a constructor
    As of today the framework used by Tuleap to manage the REST API does make possible to define a constructor with parameters (or to mark the constructor as private) on a representation that is hydrated by the framework (i.e. all representations used to represent the parameters of a REST endpoint).

    Until now, Tuleap has workaround the issue with a non static build() method on these representations.

    This is not great for a multitude of reasons:
    * there is no way to ensure the developer actually call the build method after having instantiated the representation. It means it's possible to break the contract said by that said representation.
    * SA complains about it because determining if the variable has been initialized is hard
    * it prevents using annotations like `@psalm-readonly` or `@psalm-immutable`
    * it is not the standard way to initialize properties of an object, this can be unsettling for a newcomer has she needs to understand why in this situation (and only this one) it's okayish to do that but not elsewhere
    • [ ] enhancement
    • [x] internal improvement
    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)


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    However once we have this first step it becomes possible to force via a Psalm plugin that all DTOs used in the REST endpoints are immutable and only have public properties.

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    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2020-06-25 17:28
    As a first step I cannot but it's still better than what we have today where we cannot assume anything at all about the state.

    However once we have this first step it becomes possible to force via a Psalm plugin that all DTOs used in the REST endpoints are immutable and only have public properties. This is not something we can currently do because we mutate the state.
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    How will we ensure that we are only dealing with DTO ?

    As far as I understand you are making use of a lib that workaround the constructor to instanciate the object. My main concern is that if constructor contains logic for init we will break the assumptions dev can make about the state of the object.