      request #21334 docker: replace enalean/tuleap-aio by tuleap/tuleap-community-edition
    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    2021-06-21 13:50
    2021-05-07 13:23
    docker: replace enalean/tuleap-aio by tuleap/tuleap-community-edition

    As of today enalean/tuleap-aio docker image is strongly limited to avoid mis-usage (no production should be done with this image). However it's so limited that it's almost unusable without strong Tuleap knowledge and hence have limited usefulness.

    In the meantime, the ecosystem around docker stabilized as well as our way of managing the docker images. Nowadays the reasons that were set for enalean/tuleap-aio to be "for test purpose only" no longer stands.

    In addition to that, the questions around RHEL/CentOS/*/... are going to make the choice of base OS way more complex in a near future, having a production ready docker image is a way to work around that

    The goal of this request is to bring an official Tuleap Community Edition docker image and to make it the recommended installation.

    The todo list:

    Docker images
    • [x] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement
    Under implementation
    Referencing request #21334


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    last contribution activated workers and allowed FQDN to be set (not changed yet). The change of FQDN will be dealt in a dedicated contribution.

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    • Summary
      -enalean/tuleap-aio should be easier to test 
      +docker: replace enalean/tuleap-aio by tuleap/tuleap-community-edition 
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    This should be avoided, if we do that it means we do not have the confirmation the user owns the email. In this situation users can lock themselves out of their own account. The option will be used on production grade instances whether we want it or not and it will lead to complains.

    Ok, most of tests will be done with site administrator anyway!

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    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2021-05-11 16:38

    gerrit #22671 integrated into Tuleap

    do not make user email validation mandatory ?

    This should be avoided, if we do that it means we do not have the confirmation the user owns the email. In this situation users can lock themselves out of their own account. The option will be used on production grade instances whether we want it or not and it will lead to complains.

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    • Summary
      -tulea-aio should be easier to test 
      +enalean/tuleap-aio should be easier to test