      request #22622 fresh CentOS 7 no Mediawiki an no user approval
    Anton KULIK (d00AK)
    2021-08-17 18:57
    2021-08-10 13:48
    fresh CentOS 7 no Mediawiki an no user approval

    Setup: fresh install on CentOS7 + plugins (incl. Tuleap MediaWiki)

    **Current state: **

    New project fails to init MediaWiki service with message: Mediawiki for project <PROJECT with id 101>:/var/lib/tuleap/mediawiki/projects/101 cannot be found, please contact your system admininistrators.

    Path /etc/tuleap/plugin/mediawiki has only etc/nginx

    Path /var/lib/tuleap/mediawiki/projects/101 is empty

    Log /var/log/tuleap/codendy_syslog has:

    2021-08-09T22:36:29+02:00 [5699] [error] Unable to create database plugin_mediawiki_101

    2021-08-09T23:03:39+02:00 [14906] [error] Project dir /var/lib/tuleap/mediawiki/projects/101 exists, but database cannot be found

    Desired state

    Same functionaly as on CentOS 6 Tuleap install with working MediaWiki to be able to move to the new CentOS 7 server.


    another problem might be related to this one. The new CentOS 7 Tuleap install does not have $sys_user_approval = 1; in /etc/tuleap/conf. Hence, even after adding user approval line to the config, and performing Tuleap the updating procedure, the admin panel does not show user approval sections (see pic attached). The annoying part is that admin does not get email notification on new user registration. The new project creation, however, sends email to admin for approval.

    EL7 (CentOS|RHEL)
    • [ ] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement
    Waiting for information
    Referencing request #22622
    Referenced by request #22622


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    Anton KULIK (d00AK)2021-08-17 18:57

    Status problem 1: MediaWiki: I solved the tricky config problem and now the MediaWiki plugin works as it should.

    Status problem 2: No user approval for admin (see first pic):
    Please give some hints where to look to debug the missing functionality in the admin panel.

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    Anton KULIK (d00AK)2021-08-13 17:30
    last edited by: Anton KULIK (d00AK) 2021-08-16 14:03

    Hello Thomas, please advise on how to proceed here. With tuleapadm or codendiadm? Any other info/logs needed to solve this issue?

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    Anton KULIK (d00AK)2021-08-12 15:36
    last edited by: Anton KULIK (d00AK) 2021-08-12 17:34

    Ok, here are the outputs (see screenshot) using config data from /etc/tuleap/conf/database.inc file

    tuleap-cfg setup:mysql-init \
            --host=localhost \
            --admin-user=tuleapadm \
            --admin-password=very _log_default_pass \
    1. For original password the output is red SQLSTATE[42000] error
    2. For any other password the output is SQLSTATE[42000] [1045]

    Which MySQL admin is right: tuleapadm or codendiadm? The after-install-config-file database.inc has $sys_dbuser='tuleapadm'; Tuleap change pass docs show: mysqladmin --user=codendiadm in https://tuleap.net/doc/en/administration-guide/system-administration/privileged-account.html

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    Anton KULIK (d00AK)2021-08-12 15:04

    Thanks, will investigate your suggestion on MediaWiki now in request #22622. There is still the second bug on no email nor user approval section (see pic attached).

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    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2021-08-12 15:01


    We are not able to reproduce the issues (nor the automated test suite for that matter).

    2021-08-09T22:36:29+02:00 [5699] [error] Unable to create database plugin_mediawiki_101

    This error tells me that the DB user cannot issue a CREATE DATABASE plugin_mediawiki_101 SQL query.

    Did you install the tuleap-plugin-mediawiki package after having the /usr/share/tuleap/tools/setup.el7.sh script? If yes, try running this command to do the necessary setup:

    tuleap-cfg setup:mysql-init \
            --host=<mysql_server> \
            --admin-user=<mysql_user> \
            --admin-password=<mysql_password> \

    • Status changed from New to Waiting for information