Given (see example structure in attachment):
- a field
Field 1
- with
as (default) value
- only submitable, no update permissions
- a field
Field 2
- with
d, e
as values
- submitable & updatable
- a field
Field 3
- with
g, h
as values
- submitable & updatable
- the following field dependencies matrix:
Field 1(a)
➡️ Field 2(d, e)
Field 2(d)
➡️ Field 3(g)
Field 2(e)
➡️ Field 3(h)
When users try to submit an artifact, then field dependencies are not
propagated: choosing Field 2(d)
or Field 2(e)
does not change
anything for Field 3
. ☹️
Note: everything is fine at the update of the artifact though.