If you name a field "ID" and try to display it in the report, the something is messed up and the report is empty.
Notice: Error encountered while retrieving data ==> SELECT a.id AS id, c.id AS changeset_id , R2_12863.value AS `id`, a.id AS `artifact_id` FROM tracker_artifact AS a INNER JOIN tracker_changeset AS c ON (c.artifact_id = a.id) LEFT JOIN ( tracker_changeset_value AS R1_12863 INNER JOIN tracker_changeset_value_text AS R2_12863 ON (R2_12863.changeset_value_id = R1_12863.id) ) ON (R1_12863.changeset_id = c.id AND R1_12863.field_id = 12863 ) WHERE c.id IN (29616,29623,29630) GROUP BY id @@ /usr/share/tuleap/src/common/dao/include/DataAccessObject.class.php at line 119 in /usr/share/tuleap/src/common/dao/include/DataAccessObject.class.php on line 220