If you name a field "ID" and try to display it in the report, the something is messed up and the report is empty.
Logs shows the query is invalid (not saying why). This is the said query:
SELECT a.id AS id,
c.id AS changeset_id ,
R2_25262.value AS `name`,
a.per_tracker_artifact_id AS `id`,
R2_25311.user_id AS `name_1`
FROM tracker_artifact AS a
INNER JOIN tracker_changeset AS c ON (c.artifact_id = a.id)
LEFT JOIN (tracker_changeset_value AS R1_25262
INNER JOIN tracker_changeset_value_text AS R2_25262 ON (R2_25262.changeset_value_id = R1_25262.id) ) ON (R1_25262.changeset_id = c.id
AND R1_25262.field_id = 25262)
LEFT JOIN (tracker_changeset_value AS R1_25311
INNER JOIN tracker_changeset_value_list AS R3_25311 ON (R3_25311.changeset_value_id = R1_25311.id)
LEFT JOIN USER AS R2_25311 ON (R2_25311.user_id = R3_25311.bindvalue_id) ) ON (R1_25311.changeset_id = c.id
AND R1_25311.field_id = 25311)
WHERE a.id IN (5473)
AND c.id IN (25957)
Running it by hand gives a `ambiguous column name 'id'` error. Replacing the last line by "Group by c.id" solves the issue. For now we change the name of the ID field and everything works again.