Yannis ROSSETTO (rossettoy)2015-12-15 10:25 Hello @jod, Tha drag and drop issue is known in our side and we are currently working on it (see story #8659). As the initial issue is resolved, I close this artifact. Status changed from New to ClosedReported in version cleared values: 8.4Close date set to 2015-12-15
Jonathan (jod)2015-10-12 11:46 Hi, I have upgrade my platform and the Kanban dashboard can be created normally now. But I still have a little problem : when I try to drag and drop a task from one column to another, it's not working. The task is still on its previous column and the drag and drop image in the empty column disappear. But when a column is not empty, I can drag and drop others tasks in it, and even reorder them.