Inspired by Github and Gitlab webhooks on
Those events would be configured as a new section in Tracker Administration > Workflow (only by trackers administrators). The UI would be close to the one for webhooks in git:
- Several target URLs can be configured
- For each URLs Tuleap will keep the last N log entries of events sent (not the whole payload, just date of sending + remote server answer)
The exact payload is yet to be defined but the goal is to be as close as possible to github v3 / gitlab to ease potential re-use and integration with other systems. However the compatiblity will be in "best effort" mode (that is to say if something is not possible Tuleap side because lack of a specific semantic for instance, it will be skiped).
The whole payload format will be documented in Tuleap Documentation
WARNING: unlike github, Tuleap do manage a whole set of fine grain permissions. Tracker administrator will need to 100% trust the target server as ALL data will be sent, regardless of permission set.
The configuration is
- exported & imported with XML structure
- duplicated at tracker creation