    story #11389 snapshot test executions
snapshot test executions

data stay consistent as test suite evolves

When a test definition is associated to a campaign, the state of the test at the time of the association is kept.

The execution of the test refers to this particular version of the definition.

If the definition evolves after Campaign creation, the campaign is not modified.

Updates of test definitions

  • if someone updates a test definition via the modale in TTM UI, the definition is automatically updated.
  • in any other case (update of the definition from the artifact UI, csv import, REST artifacts/... XML or whatsoever the campaign is not modified.
    • If you ever need to update the definition, you will need to remove the test from the campaign and add it again

Technical overview

  • Associate changeset_id of the test_def at the campaign creation time
  • Existing campaign are converted to the current state of the test def
  • On artifact edit via modale, update changeset_id (PATCH exec/:id after modale edit, driven by the angular app)
  • On remove/add: take the last changeset id
  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
2018-04-25 16:21
2018-04-12 11:02



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  • So that
    Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
    Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes
  • Acceptance criteria
    Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
    Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes
  • Status changed from Ready (stalled) to On going