    story #11390 have base of steps across the stack
have base of steps across the stack

I can get a sense of what steps implies on all the layers involved

It's a very early version of the feature, not really usable as it. It's hidden behind a feature flag.

The goal is to have the minimal version of steps that applies on test definitions, test executions and TTM ui. This ultra minimal version of it is a single textarea for a single step. ATM it's not possible to distinguish actions from results nor to have more than one step.

What's covered

  • Data structure is final (but only a part of it is used for display)
  • It's possible to add the new "step definition" field on test definition tracker and only this tracker (as per TTM configuration)
  • It's possible to add the new "step execution" field on test execution tracker and only this tracker (as per TTM configuration)
  • When fields are defined, it's not possible to change the TTM admin config. One have to remove the field before changing the TTM config
  • Both fields only display one step and one textarea without formatting for that one step
  • The fields doesn't appear in modale
  • It's possible to execute the one step in TTM UI
    • When all steps are "Passed", the test is Passed
    • When at least one step is "Failed", "Blocked" or "Not run", the test is updated to the corresponding status
    • When test is marked to a given status, no impact on the steps
  • The data are snapshoted as defined in story #11389
  • REST routes in TTM are updated
  • REST routes in trackers/artifacts doesn't know anything about the new field
  • XML import/export is not covered
  • Realtime is not covered
  • In test_exec artifact, I cannot modify the result of step (read only value updated by TTM)
  • Fields are not duplicated at project creation
  • No CSV import/Export
  • No masschange
  • No display in tracker reports
  • No mail notifications about changes



  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
2018-05-23 08:47
2018-04-12 11:16

Referencing story #11390

Git commit


Allow plugins to remove form elements from the palette 234435d7f5
Allow plugins to display warnings in field usage 4bf96f2a3d
Disable the additional fields 0c12677473
Display real status of steps in TTM 6610f40bcf
Prevent update of TTM config if step exec is used 0b5df68374
Display warnings when StepExecution is misused 2be81c9b9b
StepExecution can only be created in project with TTM 30beac0eaa
ExecutionRepresentation has now steps results 905074e52d
Add Step Execution field 4c1ba07b33
Display warnings when StepDefinition is misused cd854217fa
Always retrieve the current version of the test a59377decd
Display steps in TTM 4566d66533
StepDefinition should accept empty value 132298ea77
StepDefinition can only be created in project with TTM 6c12c93aba
Prevent update of TTM config if step def is used 0b2566c547
Style steps definition in artifact view 23f1fc2745
Manage cross references in step description 31920ad890
DefinitionRepresentation has now steps fa7f63c120
Add Step Definition field 4de2eb068d
Description is not required anymore + Description empty state 9e8edaad8a


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Thomas Gorka (tgorka)2018-05-16 15:41
gerrit #11378 integrated into Testmanagement

  • So that
    Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
    Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes
  • Acceptance criteria
    Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
    Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes