It's a very early version of the feature, not really usable as it. It's hidden behind a feature flag.
The goal is to have the minimal version of steps that applies on test definitions, test executions and TTM ui. This ultra minimal version of it is a single textarea for a single step. ATM it's not possible to distinguish actions from results nor to have more than one step.
What's covered
- Data structure is final (but only a part of it is used for display)
- It's possible to add the new "step definition" field on test definition tracker and only this tracker (as per TTM configuration)
- It's possible to add the new "step execution" field on test execution tracker and only this tracker (as per TTM configuration)
- When fields are defined, it's not possible to change the TTM admin config. One have to remove the field before changing the TTM config
- Both fields only display one step and one textarea without formatting for that one step
- The fields doesn't appear in modale
- It's possible to execute the one step in TTM UI
- When all steps are "Passed", the test is Passed
- When at least one step is "Failed", "Blocked" or "Not run", the test is updated to the corresponding status
- When test is marked to a given status, no impact on the steps
- The data are snapshoted as defined in story #11389
- REST routes in TTM are updated
- REST routes in trackers/artifacts doesn't know anything about the new field
- XML import/export is not covered
- Realtime is not covered
- In test_exec artifact, I cannot modify the result of step (read only value updated by TTM)
- Fields are not duplicated at project creation
- No CSV import/Export
- No masschange
- No display in tracker reports
- No mail notifications about changes