    story #14000 manage "en masse" backlog operations
manage "en masse" backlog operations

The goal of this story is to ease "massive" addition & removal  of artifacts into the top backlog from the tracker views.


  • Mass-change: there is a radio button with "Unchanged/Add To Backlog/Remove From Backlog" values (as for notification for instance) that allow to add/remove an artifact to the top backlog at update
  • Search:
    • Fix "in Milestone" search to adapt "Top Backlog" value to explicit management
    • Add "Unplanned" value to "in Milestone" (only in explicit mode) to be able to select artifacts that are not imported in backlog
  • The XML import allows to create the explicit link (and to activate the explicit backlog manangement)
  • Management of switch between explicit/implicit
    • On switch from implicit to explicit
      • Start with open and unplanned
    • On switch from explicit to implicit
      • The flag "in backlog" is cleared
      • If value "Unplanned" is present in report, switch back to "None" and add warning about it
Laurent CHARLES (lcharles)
  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
2020-02-17 14:49
2019-10-11 12:04

Referencing story #14000

Git commit


Add "Unplanned" option to the "In Milestone" 9daa4ad520
Mass change for manage "en masse" backlog operations f37f149fa4
Refactoring: inject dependencies in AgileDashboard_XMLController eddf0fdf88
XML import of explicit backlog configuration 825078e72b
Refactoring: extract top backlog add checks in a dedicated object a70a2a3863
XML import of explicit backlog content dba3385cc3
XML export of explicit backlog structure 0355eaff3b
Avoid multiple checks in explicit backlog content import 3c4e5509a1
Refactoring: extract plannings xml exporter in a dedicated object aa2f59cf1f
Export Eplicit Backlog content in project export context fb29e997bb
Switch back from explicit backlog to the magical one b02d5e7019
Switch back from explicit backlog to the magical one updates all tracker reports 039c4a4cbe
Improve switch to explicit backlog management 439bcd4926


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Martin GOYOT (goyotm)2019-12-13 16:58
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Martin GOYOT (goyotm)2019-12-13 16:52
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  • Acceptance criteria
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