= As a tuleap user I automatically have a Gerrit account =
= My Gerrit account configured with default group membership =
Given I have the identity Bruce on tuleap
And Bruce is a project member of Firefox
And Firefox has a gerrit repo "mobile"
When I connect to Gerrit as Bruce
Then I already belong to the group Firefox-mobile-contributors
= Modifications done in Gerrit are not overwritten =
Given I have the identity Bruce, member of Firefox with repo "mobile" on tuleap
And the Gerrit project owner has added me to Firefox-mobilie-integrators
When I connect to Gerrit as Bruce
Then I already belong to the groups
| Firefox-mobile-contributors |
| Firefox-mobile-integrators |
= No Tuleap account means I cannot log on to Gerrit =
But Gerrit remains browsable as anonymous
Technical notes: We would need either of the following solutions
- LDAP (not SSO), see
story #1454
- OpenID by Tuleap (SSO), see
story #1453
upon first signin Gerrit asks tuleap for the group memberships. For LDAP there's another solution, that is creating user accounts for all LDAP members.