      story #18324 « + New » button, better integration in scrum context
    « + New » button, better integration in scrum context

    In agile dashboard, a milestone can contain various items (story, bugs, …). Currently only the planning interface allows to create such items in a milestone. For example:


    Those links open a modal to create a new artifact that will be attached to the current milestone.

    There is two issues:

    1. other tabs of the milestone (overview, test plan, taskboard) should have the same dropdown to be able to create such items. Maybe the dropdown should be moved from the pv2 to the milestone header. This point will be handled in a dedicated story.
    2. The current context section of the New dropdown should also automatically provide those items. Something like:
      Milestone 12.3
      + Add Activities
      + Add Refacto ring activities
      + Add Security activities
      + Add Epic
      + Add request
      + Start a new project

    The aim of the current story is to focus only on the second point.

    On every tabs of a milestone, I can add content in it via the +New menu.

    • On pv2, same behavior than the dedicated dropdown "Add item": a modal is open
    • On overview, taskboard, (cardwall?), and test plan, since there is no modal in those apps yet, user is redirected to tracker to create the artifact and redirected back to the previous view to see the new content (artifact is created and added to the milestone just like with the modal)

    Bonus: edit from taskboard should redirect to taskboard

    • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
    • [ ] Are there any mockups?
    • [ ] Are permissions checked?
    • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
    • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
    • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
    • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
    • [ ] Is it exploratory?
    Nicolas Terray (nterray)
    2020-12-07 11:30
    2020-11-18 15:25

    Referenced by story #18324


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