    story #20919 define progress of artifacts
define progress of artifacts

I can display this information on various places


progress is a new semantic that can be defined on any tracker. It belongs to Tracker plugin. It's a float number between 0 and 1 and corresponds to a percentage of completion of something.

Pretty much like timeframe, there might be several ways to compute progress:

  1. based on the effort
  2. based on the count of linked artifacts

This new semantic is exposed in REST API and can be imported/exported in Tuleap XML.

Effort based

Tracker administrator select two numeric fields, one that represents the Total Effort (total_effort here after) and one that represent the Remaining Effort (remaining_effort here after). The progress is computed with remaining_effort / total_effort

Edge case that lead to an error:

  • total_effort is 0
  • total_effort is negative
  • remaining_effort is negative
  • remaining_effort bigger than total_effort

Count based

Tracker must have an artifact link field.

For this first implementation

  • only _is_child links are taken into account
  • it only counts direct links (so no grand children are taken into account for instance): nb open/nb total
  • to be consistent with story #9090, all children are taken into account into the computation, even those that cannot be seen due to permissions.
  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
2021-06-30 12:04
2021-04-15 12:16

Referencing story #20919

Git commit


Introduce empty semantic progress 2ba1b68433
Send an event to know which plugins are using semantic progress 0b12d82d03
Move GetSemanticProgressUsageTest to the right folder 28b0bb516c
Nullable progress of a task 4252236700
Display percentage of progression cc8822aa67
Display current semantic configuration 95c8b0d884
Cleanup roadmap JS dev dependencies f12f7e0105
fix: Percentage display should not change color of the arrow 30a206fe2b
fix: roadmap loading state seems broken 11a15ba5a8
Compute tasks progression c18cea4c4b
Return not configured method when semantic progress is not defined 738944b5ae
Use lit-html instead of DOMPurify in roadmap arrow dev tools 473ae8ccab
feat: Display progress error in Roadmap 479d1a43c4
fix: shadow does not disappear with Chrome browser 147c5bb5ca
Fix value line-height and label white space in popovers ef1aa794ba
feat: Expose progress semantic in REST API 6422a7f2c6
feat: Duplicate semantic Progress e68f516f2b
Export/Import effort based semantic Progress 54d021de67
Tracker admin can define an effort based semantic progress 73494a535a
fix: "Choose…" option should be disabled c97b96cd28
fix: typo in french translation for progression usage 3b9dd50af5
Show semantic based on child count configuration fcc8124782
Compute progression on child count 494a1f2663
[Refacto] kick $artifact_link_field out of MethodBasedOnLinksCount d4490d0498
Import/Export links count based semantic progress 16f92825b5
Duplicate semantic progress based on links count ecfcf36237
Tracker admin can define a semantic progress based on child count 6cd8c418cf
Expose semantic based on links count to REST d304ce9de7


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