    story #38288 add a new section
add a new section

At the beginning, at the end of the document, and between each section, it’s possible to create a new Section. A new section corresponds to a new artifact in the corresponding tracker and is automatically associated to the current Document.


Selection of a tracker

In order to be able to add a section, a tracker must be associated to the artidoc. The association is weak:

  • It can be changed without having an impact on the content of the document
  • It only affects creation of new sections

While it's possible to add artifacts of any project, in this first iteration, only the trackers of the current project are proposed. We will see if the need of cross project documents arise.

At document creation

When a new artidoc is created, the document writer is invited to select a tracker to be associated to the Document


If someone without document edition permission browse the document, they only see the tumbleweed empty state.

During document lifetime

When an artidoc already has content, the content of the document is displayed even if no tracker is associated to the Document.

However, it's not possible to add new sections.

If a tracker is already configured, it's possible to change the association.


On going
  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
2024-06-17 17:46
2024-06-05 15:36

Referencing story #38288

Git commit


refactor: better organization of artidoc components abda850d0b
feat: Allow configuration of artidoc 671b544b2d
feat: Add additional checks for suitable trackers 56a303f9f9
feat: ConfigurationModal to change artidoc config 5b4946c77f
feat: Force configuration of document if empty 5fe229c5ab
feat: configure tracker before adding a new section 1fbd1bb5e0
refactor: remove Primitive Obsession 1908c6a304
feat: provide title and description information 85b417f66f
Cypress: configure tracker in artidoc 6b15fc9730
fix: e2e tests for artidoc 21a0262732
feat: Introduce POST artidoc/:id/sections 7163c6bd78
feat: Add new section in artidoc app ac7fd02763
feat: Promote artidoc to TEE b67c283b56
refactor: split useSectionEditor 400762ccd3
refactor: reuse type definition for callbacks 313161671e
refactor: rename sections store injection key 159d2c258a
refactor: introduce SectionIdentifier 0dad0597ad
fix: remove vue warning 35e5db6f02
feat: Insert new section after configuration b3ebf3bbd3
refactor: remove useless useInjectSectionsStore 3da378b5f7
refactor: replace dragndrop by image upload 5840964f16
feat: Remove section after artifact removal f31525e6e6
fix: prevent page leave with new section 99fe07b8f8
feat: error when artifact is already present in the doc 341204cea5
feat: Better handling of section insertion 63a05823ad
fix: design issues e9101780aa
fix: remove section content a8ae9ac17a


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