    story #4124 have my cards stacked
cardwall user
have my cards stacked
I'm not flooded by tons of "todo" or "done" tasks and I can focus on what's on going
- This only applies on agile dashboard cardwall
- Columns to be stacked are user preferences (checkbox in column title)
- Each column can be selected (preference per user and per cardwall as display of avatars)
- Unstacking is done per cell (not the whole column)
- In addition no @nterray prototype, enhance the stacked view and make the unstacking more obivous (like an icon in stacked cells that would unstack on click)

Nicolas prototype:

In the first screenshot (A.png), we see that all tasks of the top
story are done. However it takes useless space and we would like to
have an overview of the other stories.

In the second sceenshot (B.png), the cards are stacked and we can see
more information on the screen.

We can click in any cells to expand or collapse their card (for now we
have to click on the white space in the cell to make it works, to be

Our prototype is used for our sprint and collapse by default
Functional review, Code review and Done columns.

How do you feel about it?

If you feel adventurous and would like to experiment this prototype,
you need to :
1. Use Firefox
2. Install Greasemonkey
3. Go to https://gist.github.com/nterray/4280449 and click on the raw
button [< >]
4. Greasemonkey should ask you to install the script
5. You will have to tweak the preferences of the script to allow the
execution on other platform than tuleap.net
6. Enjoy pure awesomeness!
  • [x] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [x] Are there any mockups?
  • [x] Are permissions checked?
  • [x] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
2013-07-08 16:04
2013-06-27 10:25

