Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2014-07-30 18:14 FYI, we moved all the admin and installation documentation in Sphinx (new document system). The motd part is here: As of today its on "read the doc" but it will be shipped by default with 7.4 Category set to
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2014-07-24 18:46 We thought is was already detailed in the "Old" administration guide (the one you get when you are on site admin in the top right box). But looking at this doc almost everything is no longer relevant, we probably should throw most of it away and centralize everything in read the doc (as we are doing for installation guide and deployement guide): Anyway, to answer your question the motd is configured in /etc/tuleap/site-content/en_US/others/motd.txt
Patricia Carrasco (pcar)2014-07-23 22:14 Could you please point us to the documentation that explains how this can be configured. Thanks
Nicolas Terray (nterray)2014-02-11 19:04Status changed from Ready (stalled) to Request for integration