    story #8160 Artifact modal handles open list & perm on artifact fields
Artifact modal handles open list & perm on artifact fields
Modal should display in both create and edit modes:
- Permission on artifact field (REST + Angular)
- Open list fields (static, bound to users & groups) (REST + Angular)
- Search users in REST for autocompletion open list bound to users
- If possible, handle default values

For open list fields, angular-ui-select will be used.

+ fix when I pass a parent to the modal, if the parent.type == parent_selector_field.type, then hide the parent_selector_field, else display it so I can select an epic when I create a story in a sprint
+ fix parent list show only one pagination (only 10 parents, others are not loaded)
+ fix binded to user list : show user name according to current user preferences
  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Benjamin Dauton (bdauton_enalean)
2015-08-26 08:46
2015-06-19 13:28

Referencing story #8160

Git commit


Merge commit 'refs/changes/72/4272/2' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD 6e5224fbb5
story #8160: Fix parent field issues (update hash) ef1a1b106b
Merge commit 'refs/changes/76/4276/2' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD 081bb2d4c9
story #8160: User should be displayed according to user prefs in bound to user list field (REST) cce68dcdd7
Merge commit 'refs/changes/80/4280/1' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD 54ca8733fb
story #8160: User should be displayed according to user prefs in bound to user list field 772cbd99a4
Merge commit 'refs/changes/67/4267/16' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD c8512f6668
story #8160: adding permission on artifact field data to /trackers/:id route 6f835320aa
Merge commit 'refs/changes/82/4282/7' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into tuleap-stable-master 9ae0e23eac
story #8160: updating default values in /trackers/:id for openList fields 7653769718
Merge commit 'refs/changes/95/4295/29' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into stable d7676b9ff1
story #8160: open list fields e73a51edcf
Merge commit 'refs/changes/49/4349/9' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD efe70a6518
story #8160: Handle open list field (include modal) d2041fa622
Merge commit 'refs/changes/83/4383/1' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD 97f7cf5c87
story #8160: Fix too many user groups given is openlist bound to ugroup 131267bf39
Merge commit 'refs/changes/02/4402/1' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into stable 6eee58483d
story #8160: Fix bug in open lists. 1bd1b4c97c
Referenced by story #8160


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