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Do not delete email addresses when unsubscribing a user

request #17045 Tracker. Unsubscribing a user remove notified people How to test: - As project/tracker administrator, go to a Tracker's global notifications in tracker administration - Add an email address in the list of global notifications. For example - When you add a user in the list of unsubscribed users, should NOT be deleted from the list of global notifications. - Add a user in the list of global notifications. For example "Alice" - When you add that same user "Alice" in the list of unsubscribed users, "Alice" should be removed from the list of global notifications. - Add a user in the list of global notifications. - When you add another unrelated user in the list of unsubscribed users, you should not accumulate duplicate rows in the "tracker_global_notification" table. Change-Id: I9660e7cb140a884f293725303bfb18e812c54409

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M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/Notifications/Settings/UserNotificationSettingsDAO.php +1 −0 Go to diff View file