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request #11453: Artifact modal can be made unusable if the tracker structure is modified after an initial load

This contribution disables the agressive caching of the tracker structure in the artifact modal to use the good enough defaults. Currently the aggresive default can lead to issues if have used the artifact modal to edit an artifact, modified the tracker structure (e.g. removing a field, added a value in a select box…) and then tried to edit wgain ith the artifact modal an artifact of this tracker. Change-Id: I7e6832425b65179b346ec18530e5ed781c2aea05

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/www/scripts/angular-artifact-modal/src/rest/rest-service.js +2 −3 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/www/scripts/angular-artifact-modal/src/rest/rest-service.spec.js +1 −3 Go to diff View file