      request #10664 Procedure for upgrading to a stable version of Tuleap
    Jean-Louis Schricke (mesulog)
    2017-09-18 20:20
    2017-09-18 11:56
    Procedure for upgrading to a stable version of Tuleap
    Today, when I do the upgrade process, I get intermediate version available the day of the upgrade.

    What is the procedure to be sure to always upgrade to a stable version ?
    Upgrade process
    • [ ] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement


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    last edited by: Thomas Cottier (tcottier) 2017-09-18 20:36
    This is a public URL from the community that the community decided not to publish to avoid misunderstanding and confusion during the installation. If the procedure is correctly updated to reflect that plus the information Thomas Gerbet and Manuel gave you, I think we can accept it.
    This process is of course community driven and discussion about the PR will probably occur and only integrators can give their final approval.
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    Thomas and Manuel,
    Thanks for telling me how to be linked to a stable version of Tuleap, which was my first request.

    Thomas, I don't understand why you suggested me to update the installation procedure since Enalean has choosen to not inform users about this possibility.
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    Regarding request #10620, it seems there there were contributors that introduce this functionnality without any possibility to disable it, which is really embarassing me.

    I understand you concerns but I don't really know what to do there.

    Maybe you expect that Enalean will develop the feature / option for free, we won't do that. We don't have a infinite budget to please everyone. When we can answer the community questions without too much work we are doing it with great pleasure (like here, were you got your problem fixed for free in less than 3 hours) but when we need to invest time for analysis or development, we just cannot do that.

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    last edited by: Thomas Cottier (tcottier) 2017-09-18 15:05
    Jean-Louis, if your upgrade is successful and you are satisfied with the repo I linked, we can probably end the discussion here.
    I invite you to develop your needs on each tickets you opened and for more general talk about tuleap development we have a mailing list and a chat, feel free to participate :)
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    Regarding request #10620, it seems there there were contributors that introduce this functionnality without any possibility to disable it, which is really embarassing me.
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    My remarks on our contribution to Tuleap was regarding previous requests, by example :

    I agree that those proposal make sense.

    But, so far, I'm afraid there are no contributors that had an interest to invest (time or money) on that.

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    It's not a matter of company size or whatsoever. There is no fundamentaly better choice between "master" and so called "stable" repositories.

    As stated by @tgerbet 

    • master receives continuous imporvements and bug fixes
    • stable is a monthly snapshot of master at a given date

    Choosing between the 2 is a tradeoff between "no changes" (stable url) that also mean no bug / security fixes versus "more changes" bug fixes + new features.

    We don't publize 2 URLs in the installation guide because we don't want to clutter this procedure. More options means more questions and we are already answering a lot of questions (for free) with the "simple" procedure.

    Now we don't pretend being the best possible tech writers so if someone can propose something simple with more options we are eager to ear this proposal.


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    last edited by: Jean-Louis Schricke (mesulog) 2017-09-18 13:45
    I am using Tuleap (formerly Codendi) since seven years.
    Our company, MESULOG (www.mesulog.fr), is even smaller than ENALEAN.
    I tried to contribute through suggestions and feedback. I let you discovered them. Many of them didn't receive a reply.
    If you want to improve your product, at least take into account the remarks of people using it...
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    Tuleap is a libre project so this is the role of everyone to maintain documentation (and code and everything related to this project) if they think it can be improved :-)
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    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2017-09-18 12:53
    last edited by: Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet) 2017-09-18 12:54
    Please however note that the name of the repository is probably not well chosen and should probably be renamed as something like "monthly milestone". That's why this repository is not specified in documentation.
    Packages in this repo are just a snapshot when we tag the monthly release nothing more. They do not receive security fixes nor critical bugfixes until the next monthly upgrades. If do not find the community repositories stable enough for your use case, Enalean offers the Tuleap Enterprise service which include access to maintenance version of Tuleap where bugfixes and security fixes are backported.
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    I just wanted to inform you that the installation procedure doesn't mention the stable repository.

    Is it the role of the users to define Tuleap's installation procedure ?