      request #5506 Mylyn Connector 1.1.1 SOAP error on validation
    Eric Chowanski (ericbaca)
    2021-09-29 14:19
    2013-10-29 22:24
    Mylyn Connector 1.1.1 SOAP error on validation
    I am unable to validate a connection via the 1.1.1 Mylyn connector to my Tuleap installation. Running Kepler and Mylyn 3.9.1 on Scientific Linux 6.4.

    I AM able to connect to my Tuleap service via a web browser at https://tuleap.<mysite>.com/plugins/tracker/?group_id=101 and I see the tracker associated with that project. However the "https://tuleap.whcreative.com/soap/index.php" link at the bottom of the page results in the same error as generated below.

    When I enter that URL in the Add Task Repository "Server" field and populate the rest with my ID and password, I get an error: "SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'https://tuleap.<mysite>.com/soap/codendi.wsdl.php?wsdl' : EntityRef: expecting ';'" This prevents all usage of Tuleap via Eclipse.

    There does not seem to be any related log events but I may not be looking in the right place. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong or point me in the right direction? Please let me know what additional info is needed.

    CentOS 6
    • [ ] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement
    Mylyn Connector SOAP error
    Referencing request #5506


    User avatar
    OK, Thank you. So it would then seem that the issue is the SOAP API. What do I need to provide to help figure out the problem?
    User avatar
    The behavior of the connector feels normal since we are using the SOAP API, if there is an issue with this API, the connector will not work. I am re-assigning this issue to the Tuleap team by changing its category.

    • Category changed from Mylyn to API
    • Assigned to set to None
    User avatar
    > In the description...
    See attachments

    > Another question...
    I am able to validate my credentials connecting to https://tuleap.net.

    > ...version 1.1.1
    I was wrong in original bug report (I'm using both Kepler and Juno and must have two diff. versions)! I get the SOAP error with Mylyn Connector 1.1.2.

    Also note that I installed tuleap via yum and configured only httpd and mysql based on directions at https://tuleap.net/wiki/?group_id=101&pagename=Installation+%26+Administration%2FHow+to+install. So I have no idea if I've missed anything that wasn't covered in that document.

    User avatar
    Another question, do you have the same issues with the connector if you try to connect to "https://tuleap.net" (since it is now on Tuleap and you are on Tuleap

    I have just seen that you are using the version 1.1.1 of the connector, for the release of Tuleap 6.6 a new version of the connector has been released. You can update to the Mylyn Connector for Tuleap v1.1.2 which is available on the Eclipse Marketplace. It may solve your problems because on my side everything works fine with the version 1.1.2 of the connector and Tuleap
    User avatar

    In the description of this issue, you are saying that the SOAP link at the bottom of the page result in the same error as in Eclipse. Could you upload a screenshot of both issues here please?


    Stéphane Bégaudeau, Obeo