      request #8157 New field whose value is defined/computed from 2 "Selectbox" fields
    Djuro Drljaca (djurodrljaca)
    2018-06-04 19:24
    2015-06-18 10:26
    New field whose value is defined/computed from 2 "Selectbox" fields
    During our evaluation of Tuleap we identified a missing feature.

    We wanted to define (compute) a value of a field from two Selectboxes, but it appears this is not possible.

    In the simplest form this could be done in a similar way the workflow is defined or the "Manage field dependencies" feature - in a matrix. For each "cell" of the matrix, where column is represented by one Selectbox and row the other one, you would define a value to be shown in the field.

    A more generic way would be to allow multiple fields as the inputs and you would then need to define a specific combination of values of input fields to get a specific output. As far as I see the most practical filed types for it would be: Selectbox, Multi Select Box, Radio button, Checkbox, Integer and Float.

    Probably the simpler form would cover most needs...

    An example (of the simpler implementation) where this would be useful is in a risk management tracker.

    Imagine that you have Selectboxes for a "Probability" and a "Consequence" field and you want to "compute" the value of "Risk Level" field from them.

    Each combination of values from the two input fields would generate an appropriate value for "Risk Level" field.

    See attached image: "example.png"
    • [x] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement
    Example for configuration of "Risk Level" from "Risk Probability" and "Risk Consequence"
    Referenced by request #8157


    User avatar
    It would be very useful indeed to combine manual fields in some computed synthesis field.
    I thought about the 'more generic may' as extending the field dependency page to configure a set of definitions "TQL criteria on fields of current artifact => (static) field value" or, even better, to directly configure the calculation : "field value = result from simple algebraic operations on some TQL criteria on current artifact".
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    Imagine that you have Selectboxes for a "Probability" and a "Consequence" field and you want to "compute" the value of "Risk Level" field from them.

    Each combination of values from the two input fields would generate an appropriate value for "Risk Level" field.

    Could you please give examples of computed values?

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    I can't modify the "Original Submission" field, so could you someone with the permission for that change: "We wanted to define (compute) a value of a field from two Multi Selection Boxes, but it appears this is not possible."
    to: "We wanted to define (compute) a value of a field from two Selectboxes, but it appears this is not possible."

    You can now change it by yourself.

    Was this the reason for your question or would you like to have an example of the more generic implementation where you would have 2 multi select boxes as inputs?

    Giving a real case example is usefull to better understand why the users need a feature. We can easily understand the how (define a value of a field from two Multi Selection Boxes) but understanding why is more important as it gives context and may provide better solutions than the one given by the how. Does it answer your question?

    User avatar
    @admin_nicolas It appears I forgot to fix all instances of mentioning "Multi Select Box" where I really meant "Selectbox".

    Also I can't modify the "Original Submission" field, so could you someone with the permission for that change: "We wanted to define (compute) a value of a field from two Multi Selection Boxes, but it appears this is not possible."
    to: "We wanted to define (compute) a value of a field from two Selectboxes, but it appears this is not possible."

    Was this the reason for your question or would you like to have an example of the more generic implementation where you would have 2 multi select boxes as inputs?
    User avatar

    Could you please explain the use case for two multi selectboxes ?
