    story #17159 Generate X artifacts in a given tracker
Generate X artifacts in a given tracker

Functional overview

We want to create X artifacts in a given tracker.


  • [mandatory] n: int -> the number of artifacts to create
  • [mandatory] tracker_id: int -> the tracker id in which the artifacts will be created
  • [optional] titles: string -> the titles or artifacts

No interactions with workflows, as it only performs creations.

Technical overview

  1. Use the REST api to retrieve the tracker structure and to create the artifacts
  2. Authentication through a personal access keys written in a config file
  3. A progress bar is shown while the creations are being processed
  4. When an error is caught, we must have feedback


Referencing story #17159
Referenced by story #17159

Artifact Tracker v5

task #17172 Read doc on Tuleap API uses
task #17173 Create an ArtifactGeneratorCommand
task #17174 Read doc on import/export xml files
task #17906 Generate one artifact with xml structure based on a specific tracker
task #17908 Fix SSL Certificate problem
task #17916 Validate XML file against RNG Schema
task #17917 Generate artifacts dynamically in a xml file based on cli arguments for tracker id and number of artifacts
task #17926 Read doc on Relax NG and RNC files
task #17927 Read doc on Trang tool
task #17930 Read doc on SSL certificate
task #17939 Refacto ArtifactGeneratorCommand with business classes
task #17940 Add a progress bar to visualize a loader during artifacts creation
task #17946 Fix CA and curl headers issue on tuleap api call
task #17956 Fix memory size exhausted because of faker provider text
bug #17957 Fix memory size exhausted because of Faker/Provider/Text
task #18343 Unit test the ArtifactGeneratorCommand
task #18344 Test artifacts import
task #18345 Progressbar should output new line when finished
task #18353 Find an alternative to fzaninotto/faker (no longer maintained and incompatible with PHP 8)
task #18354 Install Psalm and Phpunit
task #18358 Fix psalm issues
task #18359 Install CodeSniffer PHPCS/PHPCBF
task #18368 Configure phpcs
task #18371 Set up tests environment
task #18372 Read doc on Guzzle
task #18382 Demo
task #18474 Unit test Curl Caller
task #18475 Unit test XmlArtifactGenerator
task #18477 Debug CurlCallerTest Read doc on closure and Mockery::on
task #18478 Fix config -> config.json
task #18479 Throw an exception when curl call fail
task #18482 Refacto CurlCaller
task #18483 update Makefile to have a xmllint validator command
task #19201 Update Makefile to have a test command
task #19203 Fix phpcs issues on CurlCallerTest
task #19226 Complete generated artifact fields
task #19228 Refacto XmlArtifactGenerator and ArtifactGeneratorCommand
task #19230 Fix psalm/phpcs errors
task #19231 Do not throw a JSONException in CurlCaller when the request fails
task #19236 Title argument should accept only a string
task #19246 Add a pre-commit hook to automatize linter and unit tests scripts
task #19378 Update README to have CA trust instructions
task #19721 Field changes creation is stopped when XmlArtifactGenerator encounters a field to ignore
task #20061 Fix psalm/phpcs errors before refacto
task #20081 XmlArtifact must have a unique id
task #20082 Each XML artifact fieldchange should have a dedicated unit test
task #20130 Checkbox and multiselectbox list field changes must contain at least one value
task #20138 Read doc on performance tools
Access Information
2020-10-02 17:07
Thomas Gorka (tgorka)
2021-04-02 16:52
Simiand Camille (csimiand)


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  • Acceptance Criteria
    Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
    Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes
  • Status changed from On Going to Done