Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2017-09-12 09:57 Contribution integrated into Tuleap Thanks for the patch Status changed from New to ClosedConnected artifacts Added Fixed in: rel #10571Close date set to 2017-09-12
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2017-08-31 15:33 Ok, you can let the autoload appart for this part of the code, we will do it on merge
Thomas Hövelmeyer (thomash)2017-08-31 15:30 last edited by: Thomas Hövelmeyer (thomash) 2017-08-31 15:30 I saw the review and I'm certainly willing to make the changes - but i currently have no docker environment setup - so I currently can not do the autoload part...
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2017-08-31 13:39 Hi Thomas, I don't know if you saw the comment I made on gerrit. Let me know if you are willing to do the changes otherwise you can do it on top of your patch.
Thomas Hövelmeyer (thomash)2017-08-29 18:39 last edited by: Thomas Hövelmeyer (thomash) 2017-08-29 18:57 OK I pushed the changes to gerrit: gerrit #9375
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2017-08-29 15:45 Hi Thomas, Could you provide a patch (or maybe even push it to gerrit) so we can review it ?
Thomas Hövelmeyer (thomash)2017-08-29 12:42 last edited by: Thomas Hövelmeyer (thomash) 2017-08-29 12:44 I did some quick tests and it works: i added a new Field Selector under /usr/share/tuleap/plugins/graphontrackersv5/include/common/ named it: HTML_Element_Selectbox_TrackerFields_SelectboxesAndTextsV5 with contents require_once('common/html/HTML_Element_Selectbox.class.php'); /** * Define an html selectbox field for selectbox fields and text fields provided by the tracker */ class HTML_Element_Selectbox_TrackerFields_SelectboxesAndTextsV5 extends HTML_Element_Selectbox { public function __construct($tracker, $label, $name, $value, $with_none = false, $onchange = "", $with_user = true, $desc="") { parent::__construct($label, $name, $value, $with_none, $onchange, $desc); require_once(TRACKER_BASE_DIR. '/Tracker/FormElement/Tracker_FormElementFactory.class.php'); $aff = Tracker_FormElementFactory::instance(); foreach ($aff->getUsedListFields($tracker) as $field) { if($field->userCanRead()){ if ($field->getName() != 'comment_type_id') { $selected = $this->value == $field->id; $this->addOption(new HTML_Element_Option($field->getLabel(), $field->id, $selected)); } } } foreach ( $aff->getUsedStringFields($tracker) as $field) { if($field->userCanRead()){ $selected = $this->value == $field->id; $this->addOption(new HTML_Element_Option($field->getLabel(), $field->id, $selected)); } } } } ?> Then i used this in the Fieldselection for gantt_summary gantt_field_righttext in GraphOnTrackersV5_Chart_Gantt.class.php