Acceptance criteria Introduce PATCH testmanagement_executions/:id in order to update the status of a step:
{ "steps": [ { "id": <id>, "status": "passed" } ] }
This new status should be reflected in GET testmanagement_executions/:id and GET testmanagement_campaigns/:id/testmanagement_executions (add same "steps" in representation)
PUT testmanagement_executions/:id is not impacted (at least reject request if "steps" is part of the body, or implement update of steps if enough time)
Rules when step status is updated:
* if all steps are "passed", then the execution status switches automatically to passed
* if at least one step is "failed", then the execution status switches automatically to failed
* if at least one step is "blocked", then the execution status switches automatically to blocked
* if at least one step is "notrun", then the execution status switches automatically to notrun