      epic #11476 Agile Dashboard / Color on cards
    Agile Dashboard / Color on cards

    Functional overview

    The goal is to allow to make some cards more visible by setting a specific color on background given a specific "value" (in a select box field). This is valuable to manage "emergencies" in various context.

    A few pitfals to take into account:

    • Current color picker only provide ugly colors that doesn't fit into Tuleap color scheme. However the new color picker will propose less colors (~16) so we will keep the old color picker as an option to avoid breaking ugly-but-many-color-based workflows. See mock-up for color picker with new palette.
    • There already are colors for cards: on the left hand side on Planning view, with small color "touch" on the card
    • The change must be consistent on kanban view, planning view and scrum cardwall as the cards can appear on each of those elements

    The new palette can be seen in action here

    Proposed behaviour

    • Update tracker "color picker" to have beautiful colors to associate with select box values
      • Based on the colors already available for trackers, a few more options will be added ~3/4 to have ~20 colors available
      • By default, for all select box values, even if colors are already set, the new palette is proposed. But there is a possibility to switch manually to the old palette if needed.
      • The usage of old palette is not possible if the field was selected as "background color" semantic (see below)
      • With new palette there are 2 colors, one "strong" (primary) and one "pastel" (secondary). The primary color is used when the field is displayed in artifact view, card field, charts, etc. The secondary color is used as background-color of card (maybe later as tracker report line as well).
      • The XML export/import of field definition is updated.
      • This information is inherited at project creation
      • The old palette is converted to Vue component to ease switch  from new to old palette.
    • Update the "Card field" semantic to "Card" semantic
      • It will still propose to select fields to be displayed on a card view
      • In addition to that, on the same view, it's possible to select the field that will control the background color. It's only possible to select fields of type "select box" or "radio" that have either the default color (not really useful) or that use the new palette for each defined value. It's not possible to select a field if at least one of the values is using the old palette. Be careful with the error message and links to help people to understand how to configure.
      • There is a live preview of the card color with field (note: it only displays the field names, not the actual values in the preview
      • The XML export/import of card definition is updated.
      • This information is inherited at project creation
    • Use this color on Kanban
      • Kanban template is updated to add a field to manage expedite with associated colors and color semantic
      • Warning: check the change of color + realtime.
    • Use this color on Scrum Planning
    • Use this color on Scrum Cardwall and Tracker Report Cardwall (same thing)
    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    2018-07-17 11:30
    2018-05-14 15:20


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    Update of acceptance criteria after first round of backlog grooming with the team

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    About SCRUM cardwall, I though there were to be completely re-designed since not based yet on burning parrot.

    Yes it will but we should be consistent otherwise people won't understand why they get something displayed one way in a scrum context and another way in Kanban context. We don't apply it everywhere but there, as it's supposed to be used to manage Emergency/Expedit/Urgent stuff, the color will carry an important information, if we don't display it, I think it's a major issue.

    Since such cardwall can already contain several kind of cards (bugs/tasks ...) I think you can already rely on the colors define at each tracker level to define it ? Or may be you want to have 2 colors on a card, the one from the tracker, and the one from the semantic ?

    Actually on each card type (planning view, scrum cardwall and kanban) you already have the color information you are asking but it's displayed as a small bullet of color next to the field name.

    If you define a field "Priority" with 2 values "Normal" and "ASAP !!!!!" with 2 colors and you add this field to the "Card semantic" you will have the color on the card displayed with a small bullet of color.

    It partially address your need but it's clearly not as visible as a background color (hence less visible to manage expedite). With this epic, we would replace this current feature.

    About Kanban: can you also integrate with the already existing template (bug/tasks ...), a configuration that display colors in Kanban without having to modify the semantic. A kind of pre-defined semantic and color.

    Ok. Done.

    Please confirm this semantic will be located at the tracker level into the listbox fileds ?

    The colors themselves will be managed as of today in the selectbox field configuration.

    The semantic (which field holds the color definition) will be defined in the "Semantic" pane (like title, status, description, etc).

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    About SCRUM cardwall, I though there were to be completely re-designed since not based yet on burning parrot.
    Since such cardwall can already contain several kind of cards (bugs/tasks ...) I think you can already rely on the colors define at each tracker level to define it ? Or may be you want to have 2 colors on a card, the one from the tracker, and the one from the semantic ?

    About Kanban: can you also integrate with the already existing template (bug/tasks ...), a configuration that display colors in Kanban without having to modify the semantic. A kind of pre-defined semantic and color.
    Please confirm this semantic will be located at the tracker level into the listbox fileds ?
    Apart from those remarks, it fits
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