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    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    17 (2019-09-18 00:00)

    Referencing rel #13668

    Artifact Tracker v5

    request #13773 Dashboard styles should be separate from BurningParrot theme
    request #13774 Update to Psalm 3.4.12
    request #13776 og:image is always blue
    request #13782 OpenGraph meta tags should be available in BurningParrot pages
    request #13769 Displaying bug because of space added in the Login Name field while "Create a new user" process
    request #13779 remove underconstruction notice of docman REST routes
    request #13781 remove old /POST docman route
    request #13778 remove no more need link to old properties in document modal
    request #13784 Do not use different icons for project
    request #13772 null is displayed as title of a node in graph of dependencies.
    request #13780 Enforce the position of arguments and braces of methods in the PHP codebase
    request #13785 can not update properties of root folder
    request #13786 Page displaying all references of a project is broken
    request #13770 Displaying bug because of special characters added in the Purpose field while "Create a new user" process
    request #13642 Int/float value says that field is "Empty" whereas it is 0
    request #13791 Timetracking personnal widget should allow user to retrieve its times for one day
    request #13792 JavaScript error whith color switcher in TLP doc
    request #13789 Move the release widget plugin to Jest
    request #13775 Upgrade dev dependencies August 2019 edition
    request #13765 Update to paragonie/easydb v2.10.0
    request #13809 Remove unsupported use of v-bind in translated strings
    request #13805 drag an drop reset parent custom metadata
    request #13815 Notifications of the bot Mattermost AgileDashboard plugin are not sent
    request #13818 Cross tracker search does no longer enable user to select project
    request #13814 Underline letters in document title are truncated
    request #13819 The "Available" switch in the Edit service modal does not change
    request #13817 Burnup representation must not contains wrongly cached values
    request #13808 ROOT_DAILY event should be launched only once per day
    request #10684 Burndown in tracker report duration should be > 1
    request #13822 Enhance Tuleap version visibility in sidebar
    request #13816 Daily burnup event must not cache value before the timeperiod startdate
    request #13836 Helper to inject TLP classes into an illustration
    request #13841 Masschange do not change artifact
    request #13824 Enhance Cross Tracker Search widget style
    request #13807 No access is logged when user accesses a document on the new UI
    request #13804 Tuleap\Tracker\RecentlyVisited namespace is not PSR4
    request #13694 Get rid of RabbitMQ
    request #12791 Fix html purification for project privacy change
    request #13847 Events should not be triggered if database insertion fail at version creation
    request #13848 Redirect to the current folder instead of root folder when user switch to old UI when quick look is displayed
    request #13802 The unlock event is raised in the history when we update an unlocked item via the new document plugin
    request #13845 Replace easygettext by our own gettext extractor
    request #13777 properly instantiate date picker in document
    request #13849 Processes launched by the ROOT_DAILY system event should not timeout after 60 seconds
    request #13850 Verify that a service is not a system service at deletion back-end-side
    request #13858 When today is selected in the DatePicker, the hover color of the day number should be white
    request #13854 Update to vimeo/psalm 3.5.1
    request #13860 Embedded documentation index page does not fallback to /index.html
    request #13866 Visits of the "anonymous user" on a kanban or an artifact should not be recorded
    request #13855 Wrong path is provided at artifact attachements folder initialisation
    request #13859 Document cannot be created when the obsolescence date is not enabled
    request #13874 Support return type declaration for classes used in Simpletest mocking library
    request #13828 Upgrade to Typescript 3.6
    request #13793 Add kanban entry in user history
    request #13790 History should display more relevant quick links for artifact entry
    request #13886 Test title of the current test should be white
    request #13887 Permanent validity is no longer a valid option at new UI document creation
    request #13890 Fatal error while updating a project reference
