I want to * Finish import an existing Gerrit repo in tuleap
So that Someone that is already working with Gerrit can continue to do so, while benefiting from tuleap integration
without manually keeping two repos in sync
Acceptance criteria = You can import a Gerrit repo from the repo listing =
Given I am on the repository listing of a Project
When I chose to import an existing repo
And I provide gerrit.tuleap.net:Firefox-mobile
Then the a Tuleap Gerrit repo is created
= You can choose the name of the imported repo =
Given I import the Gerrit repo Firefox-mobile
When I provide the name ff-mobile
Then the imported repo is named ff-mobile
= The name defaults to the Gerrit project name =
Given I import the Gerrit repo Firefox-mobile
When I choose not to provide a name
Then the imported repo is named Firefox-mobile
Attachments Empty
CC list Empty