      request #14963 tuleap-git-plugin does not install on RHEL7
    Giovanni Cangiani (giovanni.cangiani)
    2020-07-16 12:11
    2020-06-08 18:09
    tuleap-git-plugin does not install on RHEL7

    I have two issues that prevent the git plugin to work properly on redhat 7.

    The rpm package for tuleap-git-plugin depends on sclo-git212-git which is not available by default on RHEL. I suggest to replace the dependency with something like rh-git218-gitor to add the fact that a repo like the following should be added into /etc/yum.repos.d asd

    baseurl = http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/sclo/x86_64/sclo/
    enabled = 1
    gpgkey = https://www.centos.org/keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-SCLo
    name = SCLO community repo (for fixing broken dependency in tuleap git plugin)
    repo_gpgcheck = 0

    The second issue is a phantom dependency from codendi which is not installed as a dependency. Several traces of it are found. For example:

    • in the User friendly URLs paragraph of documentation in the plugin page there is a reference to the following inexistent file: /etc/codendi/plugins/git/etc/config.inc
    • once the git plugin is enabled, system check fails with the following message:
      /var/lib/gitolite/.ssh/authorized_keys is empty. In order to retrieve a file with the gitolite admin public key, run the script : /usr/share/tuleap/plugins/git/bin/recreate_authorized_keys.sh
      but the mentioned script does not work. In particular, it makes reference to the codendi service and to the codendiadm user which is not created.

    I suspect that the dependency from codendi is no longer maintained. Should I disregard the error message ? Should I figure out how to install codendi myself or at least create a fake codendiadm user or just add an ssh public key to /var/lib/gitolite/.ssh/authorized_keys ?

    Thank you.

    Installation process
    EL7 (CentOS|RHEL)
    • [ ] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement


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    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2020-07-16 12:11
    Tuleap on CentOS/RHEL7 now relies on rh-git218-git and since the other issues where likely due to the hard replacement of the dependency or bad documentation (which was fixed in gerrit #19164) I'm going to close this request.

    • Category set to Installation process
    • Status changed from New to Closed
    • Connected artifacts
    • Close date set to 2020-07-16
    • Platform set to EL7 (CentOS|RHEL)
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    thank your for your reply.
    I confirm that the rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms channel was enabled during installation. Instead is is not true that the codendiadm user were not created: it's just that it has /var/lib/tuleap as home directory.
    Since it is complicated to restart the installation from a fresh RHEL instance, I have tried with a CentOS (7.6.1810) VM with where I do not have the error message, the user codendiadm is created and the .ssh directory correctly populated.
    I have copied it into the RHEL instance, relaunched the system check and it succeded. Now I have to figure out how to push git repos.
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    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2020-06-08 18:49

    > The rpm package for tuleap-git-plugin depends on sclo-git212-git which is not available by default on RHEL.

    I do not have a RHEL7 instance at hand to check but did you enable the rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms channel?
    The dependency sclo-git212-git cannot be swapped for rh-git218-git.

    > The second issue is a phantom dependency from codendi which is not installed as a dependency.

    The information in the Git readme are outdated (we will deal with that with request #14964), there is nothing else to install.

    > once the git plugin is enabled, system check fails with the following message:
    /var/lib/gitolite/.ssh/authorized_keys is empty. In order to retrieve a file with the gitolite admin public key, run the script : /usr/share/tuleap/plugins/git/bin/recreate_authorized_keys.sh
    but the mentioned script does not work. In particular, it makes reference to the codendi service and to the codendiadm user which is not created.

    This is the sign of a broken installation. The codendiadm user is supposed to be created by the package tuleap itself, if it does not exist on your system you probably should start the install process again on a fresh instance.
