    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    20 (2020-11-12 00:00)

    Referencing rel #16652

    Artifact Tracker v5

    request #17537 Remove hardcoded ellipsis of cell titles
    request #17200 Bump AngularJS dependencies
    request #17202 Bump luxon from 1.24.1 to 1.25.0
    request #17533 Workflow doesn't apply in modal creation
    request #17875 Have a single angular module for the Artifact modal
    request #17186 Bump Eslint to 7.11.0
    request #17539 Register and Login links are not properly displayed on the register page
    request #17203 Bump fscreen dependency from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0
    request #17874 Too much items in project admin menu
    request #17877 Fatal error on confirmation page after user registration
    request #17046 Make Tuleap Default templates simpler
    request #17881 Remove references to old services from "Project Approved" email
    request #17191 Artifacts in trackers with workflow generate way to much SQL requests
    request #17883 Authenticating to a OIDC provider set as unique authentication source should be direct when the homepage is accessible to anonymous users
    request #17884 Add an alpaca to the project header backgrounds
    request #16148 Improve hearbeat with TTM info
    request #16558 Replace restangular by tlp fetch in testmanagement plugin
    request #17892 Update GerritSetupCommand defaults for SSH keys
    request #17894 Update to DOMPurify 2.2.0
    request #17896 Spelling mistake in the French warning of the IE end of support
    request #17897 Bump to Psalm 4.0
    request #17898 Bump angular from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2
    request #17895 TTM do not check if a test is already on the campaign
    request #17901 Allow Psalm to use its cache
    request #17899 Bump vue dependencies
    request #17907 Cannot dismiss Unsupported browser notice in mediawiki
    request #17910 Compatibility with Composer 2
    request #17913 Improve mediawiki page load by 50%
    request #17541 Computed field display is broken in modal V2
    request #17911 remove wrongly spelled psalm-immutable from code base
    request #17918 remove falsy namespace unit\stuff in tests
    request #16662 Bump D3js
    request #17919 Translation in Git plugin was not working
    request #17915 Bump to PHPUnit 9.4
    request #17929 "New artifact" breadcrumb is not internationalized
    request #17909 Cannot display an artifact affected by only one workflow transition rule
    request #17914 allow ttm to browse nested testsuite
    request #17941 Bump vue testutils
    request #17944 Update to DOMPurify 2.2.2
    request #17938 Bump to Psalm 4.1.0
    request #17935 Optimize PNG images included in the sources
    request #17942 Bump xlsx
    request #17947 Bump slugify to 1.4.6
    request #17949 Bump swagger-ui to 3.36.1
    request #17951 Bump vue-router to 3.4.8
    request #17948 SVN commit rejected into immutable tags white list when svn path is having a space
    request #17950 Bump formatjs dependencies
    request #17954 ListPicker should ignore empty list value in angular-modal
    request #17960 Bad display of line changes in Pull requests
    request #17955 Change ListPicker items ids into data-item-id attributes
    request #17962 Bump prismjs to 1.22.0
    request #17963 Correct e2e document tests
    request #17961 Bump hast-util dependencies
    request #17968 Fix integration tests
    request #17965 Forbid focused cypress tests
    request #17969 End to End tests should use CentOS 7
    request #17971 Update Deptrac to 0.9.0
    request #17943 Missing french translations
    request #17975 Bump vue-router to 3.4.9
    request #17976 Bump javascript-time-ago
    request #17966 Force upgrade of insecure requests
    request #17970 Include ListPickers in mass change view
    request #17973 Add utm parameters in release note url
    request #17893 Phase-out core "Subversion" service
    request #17977 Cypress tests load should not mix distlp and full tests
    request #17987 Cannot create a bug from TTM
    request #17114 Setup cross-origin isolation when loading assets or the documentation
