      story #18433 Have focus inside a modal when it opens
    Have focus inside a modal when it opens

    So that I can navigate inside the modal only with my keyboard, like a user navigating with a mouse would do.
    It should make it easier to reach the "close" buttons / icons if I want to cancel.

    When the modal opens, focus is within. Modals with inputs inside them already focus them. We should determine where to put the focus for modals without inputs (for example confirmation modals with only text inside.
    I imagine we should focus "cancel" button first or maybe "close" button first. Focusing "confirm" button first should be avoided because it defeats the purpose of the confirmation (hit "enter" by mistake and your document is deleted).

    Referencing story #18433

    Artifact Tracker v5

    rel #18460 W53-01
    Access Information
    2020-12-10 11:48
    Joris MASSON (jmasson)
    2021-01-05 17:07
    Camille Croquet (camille.croquet)


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    Joris MASSON (jmasson)2021-01-05 16:58
    gerrit #21190 integrated in Tuleap

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