    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    19 (2021-05-26 00:00)

    Referencing rel #20930

    Artifact Tracker v5

    request #20971 Update dev/build environment [end April 21]
    request #20917 Ban TypeScript Enums syntax
    request #18830 Convert cross tracker search in typescript
    request #20966 Commit sha1 is not properly centered in pull requests commit list
    request #20977 Pull Request: equalizing sides is not useful if one side does not have content
    request #20976 Convert document search to cypress
    request #20973 Convert Project Admin to TypeScript
    request #20982 Build only one stylesheet for crosstracker plugin
    request #20981 Build only one stylesheet for frs plugin
    request #20980 Roadmap should not display any progress for "milestone"
    request #20974 Roadmap should center on "today" on scale toggle
    request #20984 Improve cypress custom commands
    request #20925 Bump vue-tests-utils
    request #20983 Convert tracker table report widget to cypress
    request #20992 Document: references are not set on database
    request #20990 WebDAV plugin URL verification mechanism throws notices when the instance is accessed without a Host header
    request #20989 Cannot checkout a Subversion repository when the LDAP plugin is not present
    request #20954 psalm: 4.7.0 -> 4.7.2
    request #20991 Project creation webhooks cannot be manipulated once one webhook has some logs
    request #20955 Text field value should not be escaped if it's not a default value
    request #20993 Colors in background mixins should be based on CSS custom properties
    request #20996 Bump slugify to 1.5.1
    request #20985 Build only one stylesheet for baseline plugin
    request #20997 Build only one stylesheet for document plugin
    request #20999 Bump swagger ui to 3.48.0
    request #20957 Clear values of a multiselectbox field doesn't work
    request #21002 Build only one stylesheet for ldap plugin
    request #21001 Build only one stylesheet for forumml plugin
    request #21003 Build only one stylesheet for pluginsadministration plugin
    request #20998 Wrong commit reference saved for GitLab Tag
    request #21004 Bump tus-js-client to 2.3.0
    request #20975 Convert mediawiki permissions to cypress
    request #21000 Build only one stylesheet for AD
    request #20972 Roadmap should display artifacts sorted by start_date
    request #21007 Only US linked to project should be added to Release when feature is planned
    request #21009 Selectbox static values descriptions are not displayed
    request #21328 Dependency arrows can be falsely displayed as red
    request #21333 @tuleap/vue-breadcrumb-privacy uses a built-in HTML element as component ID when built in prod mode
    request #20978 Ease usage of jenkins for tuleap developments
    request #21340 Project note widget does not extract the references
    request #21344 esbuild-loader: 2.11.0 -> 2.13.0
    request #21345 Remove embedded jstimezonedetect library
    request #21326 Favor PHPUnit mock system over Mockery
    request #21347 Build only one stylesheet for git plugin
    request #21348 Build only one stylesheet for hudson plugin
    request #21346 Taskboard cards with no displayed children should be shown as solo items
    request #21349 Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in project_ownership
    request #21351 Build only one stylesheet for testplan plugin
    request #21352 Build only one stylesheet for tracker plugin
    request #21350 Test execution changes should not take the place of other artifacts in the heartbeats widget
    request #21353 vite: 2.2.1 -> 2.3.0
    request #21356 Follow up comments are submitted twice when using Chrome/Chromium [74; 78]
    request #21359 OpenGraph description of an artifact should not contain Markdown markup
    request #21363 Tracker reports iterate twice on the matching IDs
    request #21358 league/commonmark: 1.5.8 -> 1.6.2
    request #21364 Optimize retrieval of the list of artifact submitters/updaters
    request #21365 Explicit backlog not set at project creation
    request #21370 Build only one stylesheet for external plugins
    request #21369 Build only one stylesheet for statistics plugin
    request #21354 Build only one stylesheet for BurningParrot core pages
    request #21371 Build only one stylesheet for pullrequest plugin
    request #21367 Disallow http:// URLs when adding a GitLab repository
    request #21374 Build only one stylesheet for timesheeting plugin
    request #21372 Build only one stylesheet for project ownership
    request #21373 Build only one stylesheet for velocity plugin
    request #21375 Build only one stylesheet for program_management plugin
    request #21376 Build only one stylesheet for oauth2_server plugin
    request #21378 Build only one stylesheet for testmanagement plugin
    request #21355 vite: 2.3.0 -> 2.3.2
    request #21380 Build only one stylesheet for OIDC plugin
    request #21377 Optimize CompatPDODataAccess::escapeInt
    request #21381 Build only one stylesheet for taskboard plugin
    request #21388 Build only one stylesheet for projectmilestone plugin
    request #21384 Remove no longer used features in create_test_env
    request #21392 Remove unused src/www/scripts/tuleap/get-style-class-property.js
    request #21383 prettier: 2.2.1 -> 2.3.0
    request #21389 Remove computed-colors scss
    request #21394 vue-jest: 3.0.7 -> 4.0.1
    request #21396 lit-html: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1
    request #21393 Gerrit logo must be displayed in Git homepage when repository is handled by the tool
    request #21401 Duration field can be a float but Roadmap do not take it into account
    request #21397 API endpoint GET /banner should not be accessible via the OAuth2 scope read:project
    request #21398 Some Git repositories are hidden when doing a mass update
    request #20946 Fix notices/warnings/errors encountered when using PHP 7.4 FPM pools
    request #20938 Add support of PHP 7.4
    request #21382 swagger-ui: 3.48.0 -> 3.49.0
    request #20918 GitLab tags that contains a reference to Tuleap should be backlinked
