    story #21791 see Programs & Teams in sidebar
see Programs & Teams in sidebar

I know which projects are working together

It's visible in the following mock-up: https://www.figma.com/proto/MmTtxhHszo01QNLpwLQ1vB/PM---Project-creation-and-Administration?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=53%3A791&viewport=455%2C-3065%2C1&scaling=scale-down

This story is only about the display of the Program/Teams. At this stage, the configuration is still done with the REST route.

Sidebar generic modifications:

  • Admin service is transfered as "gears" next to Project name ("Admin" service is no longer displayed)
  • Services are separated from the aggregation by a "Tools" title
  • In Project administration, the "Admin" service and "Summary" service are hidden (they can no longer be configured).

For Programs:

  • All Teams are listed (no limit ATM), sorted by public name
  • As there are no project's colors yet, there is no color in the sidebar

For Teams

  • All Parents are listed (no limits either), sorted by public name
  • As there are no project's colors yet, there is no color in the sidebar
  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
2022-01-03 16:43
2021-06-11 16:54

Referencing story #21791

Git commit


Change project privacy when sidebar is expanded (FlamingParrot and BurningParrot) a1b69ea156
Hide admin and summary services in Project Administration e5404d8b8a
Add cog icon for FlamingParrot Project Admin 433ca52af6
Move Project Banner icon under title (FlammingParrot) 96a2d958ff
Add cog icon for BurningParrot Project Admin df67148c9b
Don't display project title container when sidebar is collapsed 6d24f8f1ff
Add a "Tools" section before services (FlamingParrot and BurningParrot) d334d65ea7
Move Project Banner icon under title (BurningParrot) 879b232dc7
Display cog admin when sidebar is collapsed (FlammingParrot and BurningParrot) 875277a615
Fix margin in project sidebar for options (FlammingParrot and BurningParrot) 86116327f2
Hide Admin service (FP & BP) ecdc4f0647
Fix: letter-spacing of "Project Anouncement" label was too big a6e4154ec2
Unify background colors in sidebar BP and FP 3c4e5ef162
Introduce fa-tlp-project-boxes icon 2b6bad1fb5
Change variable name 'tlp-button-darker' to 'tlp-sidebar-action-color' 244500b1c7
Fix end-to-end tests because admin service button no longer exists bf6fb4e655
Resize open/close button sidebar (FlammingParrot and BunringParrot) 9007bf8d1e
Split SearchTeamsOfProgram interface c3b08cecf9
Split VerifyIsProgram interface 671d9909e2
Add margin after "Tools" title in sidebar 7ef0fcd559
Admin cog on hover should be tlp-ui-white f3fe748285
Add border-radius on services in sidebar a845bef1c9
Set lighter Project banner button hover 4b0afe9c47
Use a <button> for sidebar expand/collapse 6f7969ed4a
Display Teams of Program in Sidebar (FlamingParrot) 4a59f2e03d
Split VerifyIsTeam interface 777d355087
Remove unneeded dependency in program management 52d335248a
Display Programs of Team in Sidebar (FlamingParrot) fe1cf22ed0
Display all linked project (Teams and Programs) in BurningParrot pages 98ee9960ea
Fix margin after cog admin icon e78ffeea53
Display icon with popover when sidebar is collapsed (FlamingParrot) 2254f2be33
Display icon with popover when sidebar is collapsed (BurningParrot) c7a5a3a663
Display project categories when sidebar is collapsed (FlammingParrot) 0d3e9e1fe9
Projects must be sorted by public name c55eaebbbe
[FlammingParrot]|[BurningParrot]/project-sidebar.mustache are too huge 6042534dc4
Fixing UI stuff in the new sidebar af9648936b
UI rework of project privacy and flags popovers ea5438b5e8
Final UI enhancements e70e7f7ac1
Teams/Programs sidebar popover UI enhancement 948bd73e85


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Joris MASSON (jmasson)2021-06-14 18:10

Explain that "Admin" and "Summary" services are now hidden in project administration

  • Acceptance criteria
    Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
    Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes
User avatar
Joris MASSON (jmasson)2021-06-14 18:04

gerrit #23068 integrated in Tuleap

  • Acceptance criteria
    Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
    Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes
  • Status changed from Ready (stalled) to On going