    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    19 (2021-10-13 00:00)

    Referencing rel #22587

    Artifact Tracker v5

    request #23034 Some user autocompleters do not show users' avatar
    request #22699 Configure semantic button should be translated
    request #22710 Login forms uses different action URLs depending on the page
    request #23041 Use an absolute path when calling `gitolite access`
    request #19713 Missing ListPicker focus when I click on the associated label
    request #23046 Bump esbuild-loader 2.14.0 -> 2.15.1
    request #23038 Raise minimal browser requirements to Chrome 87 and Firefox 78.1
    request #23050 A user with the capability to read the destination repository should be able the access its pull-requests
    request #23049 Disabled "Preview" button of a text field is not visible in the artifact modal
    request #22693 Typecheck the template of the vue-breadcrumb-privacy library
    request #23036 A Git command executed in a repository forks 2 Git processes
    request #23368 Test pipeline of the baseline plugin is broken
    request #23367 Remove PHP 7.x compatibility code from Tuleap\OAuth2Server\OpenIDConnect\IDToken\OpenIDConnectSigningKeyFactory
    request #23370 Psalm: 4.9.3 -> 4.10.0
    request #23369 typescript: 4.3.5 -> 4.4.2
    request #23371 Preserve line breaks for default value in text fields
    request #23373 Gantt chart error when an artifact does not have a start date
    request #23376 More intuitive search in Mediawiki
    request #23372 Generated docx document from a tracker report cannot be opened in MS Word
    request #23374 Have a nice redirect page
    request #23382 Invalid element in hidden fieldset prevents artifact submission
    request #23387 Update artifacts with csv import should work
    request #23380 Explicitly define the shell to use in Makefiles
    request #23390 TLP switch should be used only in autosubmit mode
    request #23392 lcobucci/jwt: 4.1.4 -> 4.1.5
    request #23393 Missing feedback when updating the synchronized project membership management configuration in project admin
    request #23378 Enable "Exact Optional Property Types" TypeScript option
    request #23395 Test pipeline should not hardcode the UID of the user running it
    request #23397 Update tracker creation illustrations
    request #23391 Enhance banners configuration UX
    request #23384 Importing a tracker with a simple workflow with no states raises a warning
    request #23389 Patch method write as PATC in User logging plugin
    request #23398 Bump phpunit 9.5.9 -> 9.5.10
    request #23400 marked: 2.0.3 -> 3.0.4
    request #23403 Pull phpunit and ldap images from GitHub Container Registry
    request #23402 Timestamps in the body of emails are wrong
    request #23404 Update dev/build environment [October 21]
    request #23408 Remove old tracker admin css
    request #23407 New colors
    request #21420 jest: 26.6.3 -> 27.2.4
    request #23411 .tab files analyzer does not work correctly on the NixOS-based CI agents
    request #23410 Remove document version filesize from project import xml
    request #23412 French typo in Délégation title
    request #23417 swagger-ui: 3.51.2 -> 3.52.3
    request #23409 Fatal error in program management admin errors presenter
    request #23416 ckeditor4: 4.14.1 -> 4.16.2
    request #23413 Workaround Jest/ts-jest/TypeScript memory leaks
    request #23427 mermaid: 8.11.3 -> 8.13.2
    request #23418 Bump jenkins to 2.303.2
    request #23429 Wrong badge color in admin sidebar
    request #23044 Program management: add psalm in unit test
    request #23426 Stop using ng-showdown to render the release notes in the FRS app
    request #23039 Undefined array key warning when replicating program increment update
    request #23043 Program management: clean domain
    request #23449 Roadmap should display closed elements in the future
