This is about easing the creation of parent/child links. The following scenario implies that the user have the right to access the Project/Tracker/Artifact that is going to be the future parent as well as "Update" permission on artifact link field.
There is already a "Parent" selector that is proposed:
- either when there is a Tracker Hierarchy
- or when there is a way to propose a parent via plugin (eg. Program Management)
When this selector is proposed, "Parent" artifact type is not displayed to avoid confusion.
Scenario 1
When I'm on artifact A and I want A to be child of B.
Right now, I need to go on B and add A as a child.
What I want to do is to select "Parent" as link type and then Tuleap will, on my behalf, update B and add A as a child of B.
Scenario 2
I'm on artifact A that is already linked with B (with or without type)
I update link type to "Parent"
Then, the link between A and B is removed and new link is created on B toward A with "Child" as type.