* There is a special Tuleap user for gerrit replication (either one or one per gerrit server)
* On Tuleap side, update permissions (gitolite) to allow Write and Rewind only to this user when the repo is migrated
How to setup replication:
On gerrit server:
unzip ../gerrit-full-2.5.1.war
cp WEB-INF/plugins/replication.jar ../gerrit_dev/plugins/
cat etc/replication.config
[remote "shunt"]
url =
push = +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*
push = +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*
authGroup = shunt-replication
first connexion (
gitolite@shunt.cro.enalean.com) accept host (ssh)
Info about errors: logs/error_log
-- On tuleap
create user for gerrit
Upload gerrit2 SSH key
-- On gerrit side (to automate?)
create gerrit group named "shunt-replication"
no user in it
make group visible to all registered user
-- When you migrate a Tuleap repo to gerrit
Git read access to "refs/*" for shunt-replication group for each project to replicate