    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    19 (2022-04-27 00:00)

    Referencing rel #25363

    Artifact Tracker v5

    request #26354 Folder content indentation is not taken in account when uploading a new file version
    request #25735 Move Baseline plugin into main source tree
    request #25715 psalm in CI should check the entire code base
    request #25737 Reports selector group labels are not translated
    request #21742 Set admin email in the docker image
    request #26357 Bump mermaid 8.13.9 -> 8.14.0
    request #26360 Exclude .pnpm-debug.log files in git repository
    request #26044 Extract tracker constants in a dedicated library
    request #26355 have common type definitions for Tracker REST API payloads
    request #26362 Rename 'Cardwall' link on kanban cards of the plugin home to 'Kanban board'
    request #26363 Drop the temporary flag allowing to keep the 'Projects…' label for 'Switch to…' menu
    request #26364 dompurify 2.3.4 -> 2.3.6
    request #26365 hybrids 7.0.4 -> 7.0.5
    request #26361 vue-tsc: 0.29.8 -> 0.33.9
    request #26367 Bump jest-related packages
    request #26368 Bump eslint-related dependencies
    request #26369 Bump stylelint-related dependencies
    request #26370 Use specialized expectations in Jest unit tests
    request #26371 Vite: 2.8.0 -> 2.9.1
    request #26372 Add stylelint-config-recommended
    request #26366 Rest error are not well display in gitlab repository creation
    request #26373 vue-dompurify-html: 2.5.0 -> 2.5.1, 3.0.0-beta.2 -> 3.0.0-beta.3
    request #26374 Stop exposing @tuleap/tlp-fetch module in tlp module
    request #25726 Change Tuleap behavior for unix users
    request #26377 Jira import of issueLinkType should not have double slash
    request #26358 Cache the results of the Nix derivations used when building the packages
    request #26376 Move src/scripts/lib to lib/frontend
    request #24241 Cache the build results of the JS toolchain
    request #26380 mediawiki doesn't work when db port is not 3306
    request #26378 Fix the file creation modal from DnD location
    request #26383 Stylelint should not check every file in pre-commit hook
    request #26375 Use the same scripts on FP and BP pages to manage banners
    request #26382 User rename from api doesn't check new username validity
    request #26043 Selection of artifact in modal V1 can be broken
    request #26388 wrong max-width property
    request #24982 clean e2e test suite
    request #26391 Error is not displayed when user creates a new document version
    request #26389 git: 2.35.1 -> 2.35.2
    request #26393 Tracker DB test assertions should not care about order
    request #26386 Remove list-picker styles from all-purpose FlamingParrot / TLP themes
    request #26397 It should be possible to declare a an extra CA
    request #26384 Search for Jira Boards is not compatible with Jira Server
    request #26399 Try to restore ownership and permissions on custom logo
    request #26398 Rename user: database existence is not check before changes
    request #26394 Jira names should be escaped in JQL
    request #26400 Jira project import should not stop when artifact link type creation fails
    request #26404 Exporting Test Plan as a document fails when an artifact link types has been disabled in the project
    request #26402 Export of tests should contains execution details
    request #26405 spelling mistake 'selectionnées" in selectbox field admin
    request #26396 Jira server username and key might not be aligned
    request #26403 Jira server worklog doesn't have accountId
    request #26385 vue-tsc: 0.33.9 -> 0.34.6
    request #26379 error when try to change the user story status on a release card wall board
    request #26387 Improve e2e explicit backlog flaky test
    request #26410 Project registration crash when the graph on trackers plugin is not available
    request #26408 Import of jira issue link types with not supported characters
    request #26411 bump cypress to 9.6.0
    request #26725 Can no longer release files from "incoming" area in FRS
    request #26727 border radius is visible in SwitchTo modal
    request #26724 Color issue with privacy selector at project creation
    request #26729 Tracker report renderer and chart widgets leak information user cannot access
