Your platform will be unavailable on the 13th of November 2024 from 9am to 12pm (Paris time) for maintenance operations

    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    19 (2023-07-19 00:00)

    Referencing rel #31540

    Artifact Tracker v5

    request #32628 Wasmtime: 9.0.3 -> 10.0.0
    request #32627 In Link field artifact creation form, clearing the trackers or project list will select the first enabled value
    request #32634 Filter artifacts with an open list field throws a PHP fatal error
    request #32629 XSS in the card field of the agile dashboard apps
    request #32639 tus-js-client: 2.3.1 -> 3.1.0
    request #32637 Mandatory file field is not well handled in artifact modal
    request #32638 Dedupe ckeditor and tus dependencies
    request #32640 Convert global rules tests to e2e
    request #32632 getAllJSON should have default collection type parameter
    request #32641 Drop outdated README of the LDAP plugin
    request #32644 Filtering using information of an openlist in a card of the kanban/PV2 apps does not work
    request #32642 Missing regex escaping when filtering kanban cards
    request #32635 mercure: 0.14.5 -> 0.14.10
    request #32646 Fatal error in report query for integer & float fields
    request #32647 Mitigate node-semver CVE-2022-25883
    request #32643 regroup getCriteriaFrom and getCriteriaWhere
    request #32312 PHP Warning in mediawiki fpm logs
    request #32295 Do not activate all installed plugins in the Docker images by default
    request #32654 Drop hide_reverse_links_by_default feature flag
    request #32648 Upgrade GitLab CE image to 15.11.8
    request #32655 Make sure default PHP FPM systemd units stay masked
    request #32649 Search input should be focused when first opening Lazybox dropdown
    request #32664 Ignore word-wrap CVE-2023-26115
    request #32314 Restart Meilisearch and Mercure server when env file is changed
    request #32308 Document breadcrumb is broken
    request #32651 "Artifact can only have one parent" is confusing
    request #32650 Artifact link list should display parent first
    request #32757 Keep all ONLYOFFICE document "save token" alive when document is being edited
    request #32773 Bump prettier 2.8.6 -> 2.8.8
    request #32774 Bump vue-loader 17.0.0 -> 17.2.2
    request #32771 Add a section about cryptographic failures in the secure coding practices
    request #32284 Homogenize TLP icons
    request #32981 Ignore atty GHSA-g98v-hv3f-hcfr
    request #32631 homogenize pull-request labels styles
    request #32980 Fix tainted SQL queries in BindStaticValueDao
    request #32983 Upgrade Mockery to 1.6.2
    request #32985 Remove usages of process.env.NODE_ENV variable in project sidebar element
    request #32984 Dates in site admin user details page vary for each user
    request #32652 Artifact link list should display project information
    request #32988 Cannot use the '>=' TQL operator with a last update date field
    request #32989 MediaWiki: 1.35.10 -> 1.35.11
    request #32987 Make sure (again) default PHP FPM systemd units stay masked
    request #32993 Add documentation about SQL request profiling
    request #32994 stylelint: 14.10.0 -> 15.10.1
    request #32990 Crash while saving a document edited collaboratively in ONLYOFFICE
    request #32995 Permanently ignore the current set of vuln associated to Mathoid
    request #32653 Do not lose modifications done in Artifact Modal
    request #32789 Cannot update the string or text custom property of an item
    request #32997 Ignore CVE-2023-2972 in @antfu-utils
    request #32991 Empty semantics export as JSON empty array instead of empty struct
    request #32996 vite: 4.2.1 -> 4.4.2
    request #32998 Cannot upload a file using the modal if my group cannot submit or edit
    request #33001 Apply patch for CVE-2023-26136 tough-cookie
    request #33003 Artifact link value in webhook must not check permissions
    request #32633 Meilisearch: 1.0.2 -> 1.2.0
    request #33000 Openlist field used in tracker report does not return the expected values
    request #32986 Planning doesn't refresh when links are updated with modal
    request #31092 Add access to renderer's information
