    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    19 (2023-12-06 00:00)

    Referencing rel #32660

    Artifact Tracker v5

    request #35101 Update dev/build environment [W45 2023]
    request #35109 swagger-ui: 5.0.0 -> 5.9.3
    request #35110 bump z-index of project sidebar
    request #35057 Links in ONLYOFFICE document do not work
    request #35112 Archive my ssh-rsa signing key
    request #34725 Migrate core-project-admin-banner to Vue 3
    request #35113 Gather harware information when collecting data with `tuleap collect-system-data`
    request #35111 Drop plugins/tuleap_synchro/
    request #35119 Internal tooling to modify LDAP login
    request #35122 prettier: 3.0.3 -> 3.1.0
    request #35136 Some forgeupgrades cannot be run on MySQL 8.0
    request #35142 Create artifact from a link field modal is broken
    request #35144 ezyang/htmlpurifier: 4.16.0 -> 4.17.0
    request #35143 XSS on the edition page of a release
    request #35147 Psalm: 5.15.0 -> 5.16.0
    request #35139 Git: 2.42.0 -> 2.43.0
    request #35141 Meilisearch: 1.3.2 -> 1.5.0
    request #35140 Wasmtime: 14.0.1 -> 15.0.0
    request #35149 Remove derelict GitLab feature flag from REST tests
    request #35153 Use a mirror of SheetJS repository to pull the code
    request #35106 Reply by mail feature should not be blocked when an email relayhost is used
    request #35133 User should be able to abandon broken pull-requests
    request #35154 Project export error with mediawiki standalone
    request #35158 cypress: 13.4.0 -> 13.6.0
    request #35156 Drop old unix_pw column in the user table
    request #35160 Smokescreen: 7c83effc9df4daf3a00a8e7215eda906693e51f6 -> 8c0fa26edf63f35d5632ba7682d78ff07a306819
    request #35454 SVN repositories in public project are no longer public
    request #35129 Categories are not displayed on pages
