Now that links can be easily manipulated with artifact modal, the following scenario are very likely to happen:
Scenario n°1:
- Create a user story
- Edit user story with modal
- Create task as child of user story from modal (or link an existing task FWIW)
- Save
=> The task should be visible as sub item of the user story:
- If there were no tasks, it should be expandable after save
- If there were tasks and tasks were expanded, the newly added task should be visible after save
Scenario n°2
- Create a release
- Edit the the release with the modal
- Create a User story linked to the release (or link an existing US FWIW)
- Save
=> The added US should be visible in the release.
After closing the modal, the information of which links were added or changed is not readily available (we would need to make a diff of the last changeset and the previous one, to see which links were added or changed). So, we will not know precisely what needs to be reloaded. This is different than a drag and drop where we know where the drag started and where the drop occurred, so we know what needs to be reloaded.
To address this issue, the modal will change its return information and tell the planning app whether a link has been changed (or not). If a link has changed, the planning app will reload the whole page so that information stays up-to-date. Reloading is not ideal from a user experience point-of view, but is better than nothing.