The goal of the feature is to bring the, now ubiquitous, (email) notification when using @username
in a tracker follow-up comment. This is a one time notification, the user who's being notified won't receive updates for future notifications.
Acceptance criteria
Add a follow-up comment
An info text helper is added near the "follow-up" section of the mass change zone to inform that people mentioned here triggers notifications. See mockup [0]
Update of text / string
Note : in order to avoid confusions about the expected behaviour, the @... autocompleter is removed from Text field edition in Artifact View and Modal.
Update of an existing comment
Notifications preferences
Mentioned user chose "No notification for the tracker"
Mentioned user Unsubscribed to the artifact notification
Tracker is configured with "No notifications at all"
When a follow-up comment contains a user reference in the form @username
Then there is no notification of the mentioned user
And there is a warning to the author the change telling them that the tracker doesn't send notifications (this is the only situation where there is a non delivery warning)
Email de-duplication
There can be several reasons to send an email notification for a single artifact update. For example, user "madeupuser" could be in a user-bound list field "CC" and could be mentioned with @madeupuser
in a follow-up comment for the same update. When such situations occur, Tuleap will send only one single email, not two, to avoid spamming the user.
General note: the author of the comment cannot be informed about the success or failure of the notification. We could imagine that we can detect that user chose to unsubscribe to an artifact and inform author about that. However, if the email cannot be sent because of configuration issue or issue with email infrastructure or because the recipient mailbox is full, we won't be able to detect it. If we sometime inform them that mail cannot be sent it could assume that no warning/error message means that user got notified but that's not 100% accurate.
[0] https://www.figma.com/design/hM7pZdnb8yJDe3s5aFtIjC/Notifications-Story%2338631?node-id=0-1&t=365VHdVlIdiDWC5g-1