Benjamin Dauton (bdauton_enalean)2013-12-09 12:22 Hi, When you have to pass ids in parameter, ids field should be "[id1,id2,id3]", not "[{"property" : ""}]". Category set to
Stéphane Bégaudeau (begaudeaus)2013-12-06 10:36 When we try to use PUT /milestones/{id}/content on ( we have the following error: { "error": { "code": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error: There are duplicated ids" }, "debug": { "source": "MilestoneResourceValidator.class.php:179 at call stage", "stages": { "success": [ "get", "route", "negotiate", "authenticate", "validate" ], "failure": [ "call", "message" ] } } } We did not have any duplicated ids in the data sent to the server. By the way, on the Tuleap API Explorer, the description of the message to send uses "property" instead of "id":!/milestones/updateContent_put
Tracker Workflow Manager (forge__tracker_workflow_manager)2013-12-03 16:14 Automatic change triggered by an update of art #5644.Current artifact children satisfy the following condition(s):all of Tasks Status are set to Done Status changed from On going to Done
Tracker Workflow Manager (forge__tracker_workflow_manager)2013-11-26 15:04 Automatic change triggered by an update of art #5643.Current artifact children satisfy the following condition(s):at least one Tasks Status equals On going Status changed from Ready (stalled) to On going
Nicolas Terray (nterray)2013-11-18 15:57So that Show diff Switch to markup diff Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes