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      request #7251 Send a reminder to project admins about the automatic cleanup of suspended LDAP users
    Ahmed HOSNI (hosniah)
    2014-09-19 11:16
    2014-07-22 10:44
    Send a reminder to project admins about the automatic cleanup of suspended LDAP users
    This artifact is linked to request #6545 and request #6570.
    We want to send a reminder notification to project admins one day before the automatic cleanup of Suspended user is performed.
    Authentication & LDAP
    • [x] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement
    Ahmed HOSNI (hosniah)


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    Merged in

    Thanks for the contrib!

    • Status changed from Under implementation to Closed
    • Close date set to 2014-09-19
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    Ahmed HOSNI (hosniah)2014-09-18 19:24
    Hello Manuel,

    It's fixed in patchset 16.
    Could you please give it a new try ?

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    I was missing the "being member of a project" part.

    So now I get the first mail but not the second one (seems expected based on your comment below). I let you fix it + the typo/cleanup before giving new try.

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    Ahmed HOSNI (hosniah)2014-09-18 12:35
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    Ahmed HOSNI (hosniah)2014-09-18 12:34

    Hello Manuel,

    Sounds good, you should ensure that you are among project administrator of at least one project the user "yann" is member of.

    Basically you must receive 2 emails (one when suspending the user and another one as a reminder the day before the purge).

    For the second email, i've made a mistake within the dao, the method LDAP_DirectoryCleanUpDao::getUsersDeletedTomorrow() will retrieve users flagged with purge date between $today  and  $tomorrow:

            $today    = strtotime('today midnight');    
            $tomorrow = strtotime("+1 day", $today);

    Whith a var_dump and conversion from timestamp to human readable date, $today gives  "18/9/2014 à 0:00:00" and "19/9/2014 à 0:00:00" and that's why you don't  receive the reminder for the purge of user "yann" planned for tomorrow.

    However, the first email should be sent right after ldap user sync, the old feature would raise any failure to codendi_syslog (project with no admins, delivery issue, etc...). Is there any traces right there ?


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    I continue the discussion about patchset 14 here because gerrit formatting sucks

    Basically, what I did:

    1. Everything is tested today (Sept 18th)
    2. Enable the deletion (set to 2d)
    3. Take one LDAP user (yann)
    4. As site admin, I modify his "ldap_id" to a non existant stuff
    5. As codendiadm, I ran codendi_daily
    6. The user got suspended and the DB looks like:
    mysql> select user_name, status, plugin_ldap_suspended_user.*, FROM_UNIXTIME(deletion_date) tbd_on from plugin_ldap_suspended_user JOIN user using (user_id);
    | user_name      | status | user_id | deletion_date | tbd_on              |
    | admin-gerrit28 | S      |     183 |    1411532201 | 2014-09-24 00:16:41 |
    | yann           | S      |     196 |    1411206375 | 2014-09-20 05:46:15 |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    So this is the expected behaviour, the user will be deleted in 2 days (Sept 20th).

    To test your patch, I modify the delete date to tomorrow (Sept 19th):
    mysql> update plugin_ldap_suspended_user set deletion_date = 1411206375 - 3600*24 where user_id = 196;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)
    Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
    mysql> select user_name, status, plugin_ldap_suspended_user.*, FROM_UNIXTIME(deletion_date) tbd_on from plugin_ldap_suspended_user JOIN user using (user_id);
    | user_name      | status | user_id | deletion_date | tbd_on              |
    | admin-gerrit28 | S      |     183 |    1411532201 | 2014-09-24 00:16:41 |
    | yann           | S      |     196 |    1411119975 | 2014-09-19 05:46:15 |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    But when I run codendi_daily, I get no email.

    What did I missed ?



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    Ahmed HOSNI (hosniah)2014-07-22 10:47
    Review in gerrit #2520

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