Fabrice Larribe (teyssieuman)2018-01-12 19:09Original Submission Show diff Switch to markup diff Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes
Nicolas Terray (nterray)2015-07-06 11:14 It seems to be a great feature, other users already asked for this, however nobody funded it yet.
Peter Struck (p3t3rstruck)2015-07-06 10:00 Hey Tuleap Team, any ongoing thoughts on that? What about a field from type concatenation (like the computed one) where you can pass in the target names of the fields who have to be concatenated. Example: string field Order-ID: "XXX-NAM-123" string field Summary: "Login throws exception" Step 1) becomes to new concatenated string field: XXX-NAM-123 Login throws exception Step 2 - would be really sweet to gain most flexibility) becomes to new concatenated string field with some possible adjustments: [XXX-NAM-123] - Login throws exception
Peter Struck (p3t3rstruck)2015-03-31 09:35 Hey Nic, sure its a pleasure for me and sry for beeing so late. It would be very helpful to have fields that represents a concatenation of two other Strings. For Instance: - my tracker has a field Function/Module (e.g. Login) and a field Summary(e.g. Input field not visible) - (I know you could achieve that by using epic tracker, but just a use case) - instead of choosing Summary i'd like to make a concated string of both as the tracker titel (semantic) - In Agile Dashboard you can see then a more speaking item containg both The next step would be to replace all tracker #123 references in tracker reports by this title (checkable in admin settings) Regards, Peter
Nicolas Terray (nterray)2014-12-31 14:35 Hi, Could you please explain further your use case? Regards, Nicolas Terray Reported in version cleared values: 7.3