    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    20 (2015-02-04 00:00)

    Referenced by rel #7520

    Artifact Tracker v5

    story #7496 see priority changes in artifact view
    story #7607 have tracker search in global search
    story #7737 Finish Kanban foundations
    story #6855 artifact copy: Recursive copy
    story #7740 have git HTTP anonymous access
    story #7169 Create items in backlog without reload
    story #7697 dedicated queue for grokmirror manifest updates
    story #7689 use tuleap automagic links in mediawiki
    request #7731 Columns defined as collapsed by default are not collapsed in cardwall report on dashboards
    request #5550 Date reminder form messed with bootstrap
    request #7750 Graph cumulative flow legend overlaps on graph
    request #7751 Enhance Mediawiki administration UI
    request #7673 Git errors when creating repo and dumping ssh keys
    request #7738 mandatory property for docman can be bypassed for multi-select properties
    request #7744 Non persistent XSS in search and login form
    request #7754 Denial of service through login form
    request #7730 Insufficient entropy for session ID and password reset token
    request #7757 LDAP daily sync now search in subtrees
    request #7761 Fatal error when accessing default trackers templates
    request #7760 Side by side diff in Git is not working
    request #7759 Can't create new columns on the Agile Dashboard
    request #7762 notice on agiledashboard planning admin when adding a new column
    request #7715 Add two extra fields to the siteadmin userlist page
    request #7764 docman fulltext search events broken
    request #7770 Wrong data when there are two reports on project dashboard using the same field as filter
    request #7755 Non persistent XSS and open redirect in redirect page
    request #7774 fatal error on my personal page from docman
    request #7723 Make project backup path customizable
    request #7315 Delete old embedded gitphp
    request #7785 Vulnerable to clickjacking attack
    request #7788 Persistent XSS in attachment of artifact
    request #7710 Sort content of the userlist table after a header click
    request #7795 Lost browsing of git repository at upgrade
    request #7716 Update user details thru REST API
    request #7792 Contributor semantic change should trigger FTS reindex
    request #7786 Enable browser built-in protection against XSS
    request #7799 Token is stored in a dedicated cookie
    request #7800 Fatal error while updating properties of a Link item
    request #7805 Remove CKEditor for IE7
    request #7796 Unable to configure tracker v5 default templates
    request #7817 Docman fts actions are logged into the default queue instead of the fts one
    request #7816 Do not stop batch indexation if one particular file cannot be indexed
    request #7834 Tuleap mediawiki extension break CSS
    request #7836 Fatal error while deleting a Wiki item
    request #7838 TV3 warning while I am copying a TV5 artifact
    request #7840 XSS when importing artifacts in tracker
