      request #7710 Sort content of the userlist table after a header click
    BEN MANSOUR Med Rafik (benm)
    2015-01-23 16:36
    2014-12-22 09:06
    Sort content of the userlist table after a header click
    Ease the search of users in the userlist page under the site admin by sorting the data with a click on a header of the table.
    - ascendant sort
    - descendant sort

    what do you think ?
    Site admin
    CentOS 6
    • [x] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement
    BEN MANSOUR Med Rafik (benm)


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    • Summary
      -Enhance the user search for the admin by sorting the data per column 
      +Sort content of the userlist table after a header click 
    • Original Submission
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    • Assigned to changed from None to BEN MANSOUR Med Rafik (benm)
    User avatar
    Ah OK, I didn't understand it was about site admin (you should edit the description to make clear).

    The SQL way is the only one. Otherwise you'll end-up managing huge lists client side and it will be slow like hell.
    User avatar
    I'am working on 7.8 version and in the siteadmin user search page the results are displayed in a table, i'am trying to ease the search for the admin by adding sort function on the headers.
    Well there are two ways to make it, the first is by editing the SQL request of the search and sort the content everytime the admin click on a header (server side), and the second is by sorting the content of the table's viewport (client side).
    which way is better?
    User avatar
    The feature sounds interesting but could you detail how you'd like to display it ?

    As of today, there is no longer table for search result (you can try it out here) so it's not possible to click on header.