      epic #8250 Truncate email notification
    Truncate email notification

    This is an alternative to email encryption (see epics #8236)

    Functional purpose

    This aims to avoid lacking sensitve information sent by email for:

    • SVN commit
    • git push
    • Artifact updates
    • FRS
    • Docman
    • PhpWiki

    Instead of sending encrypted email content, project could decide to send generic notification with nothing but:

    Subject: new [svn|git|tracker] notification on <platform>
    There was an update on <platform> for you: https://<platform>/...

    -> no change in the sending, it means that all receipients will be visible in "To: ..." of email

    Technical impact


    • Config in project but visible only to site admin (like project visibility)
    • Default value is defined in project template


    Modify src/utils/svn/commit-email.pl, get projet notification mode (full or truncated) and send the relevant email.


    Need to change the way we call email hook (plugins/git/hooks/post-receive) to have something that can act differently from one project to another.

    Proposal: a sudo php script that would

    • Replace "/usr/lib/codendi/bin/git-post-receive.pl --init"
    • Replace "/usr/lib/codendi/bin/git-post-receive.pl" (call after)
    • Could wrap call to plugins/git/hooks/post-receive-email, hence not send content is not configured by project admin
    • Manage the count threshold to take into account "jumbo push" (large number of refs, like initial push of huge repos)


    Update Traker_Changeset and date reminder

    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    2018-07-17 10:57
    2015-07-20 15:06


    User avatar
    The option will be in project admin but accessible only by site administrators

    The default value will be defined in project templates so you will have to define yours in default project

    • Description
      Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
      Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes
    User avatar
    We would need a default customizable behavior for Tuleap. Project which haven't set an option will benefit of this default value.
    I assume the "project by project" activation is avaialble to site_admin like for several other Tuleap plugins option.