    story #8283 Enhance project creation user experience
Enhance project creation user experience




  • Issue tracking, Scrum, Kanban and Empty templates should to be available
    • Site administrator must be able to choose is description is mandatory for their platform or not
    • In Project settings > fields description is always visible, site adinistrator only have the possibility to switch it to required true/false
  • When "From another project" is chosen, description and services used (service name, not the weird things like "plugin_agiledashboard") by the selected project should be display
  • Policy agreement link opens a new tab
  • Project privacy is a custom TLP switch or a select box, depending on the platform configuration
  • Description is no longer a mandatory field by default
  • All mandatory project fields are displayed just before the policy agreement checkbox
  • Pattern attribute should be used on name and shortname fields
  • Project shortname is an auto slug of the project name but it's editable
    • Bonus : live check if the slug doesn't already exist
  • Depending on the platform configuration (project automatically validated or not):
    • Submit button doesn't have the same label
    • User is redirected to the created project and a modal "Congratulation" modal is display or user is redirected to the "Waiting for validation" page
  • [x] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?

In order to keep our sanity, it's gonna be a new vue app so

  • we'll have access to vue router to manager next/back without reloadig everything
  • modal of services/members of from an other project template is complicated and need to be in vue in every cases

We choose to reuse the POST projects route:

  • the REST user manager permission is no longer accurate for this route
  • we will improve rerésentation to support everything is needed by project creation (trovecat, custom fields...)
  • we will hvae two different way to choose the project template
    • template_id => the id of the project we want to use as template
    • tuleap_template => a static list of templates provided by enalean ("scrum", "kanban" ...)
Benjamin Dauton (bdauton_enalean)
2020-01-10 13:26
2015-07-28 09:52

Referencing story #8283

Git commit


Convert project validation tests to phpunit ab0a566d55
Description is not mandatory at project update 5f4512e514
Description is not mandatory at project creation 53a49ecb09
Site administrators must be able to choose if project description is mandatory on ther platform e08803ec9a
Introduce new route for project registration 609168765a
Init Vue app for project registration dbea8eeb26
Extract xml file retrievement into a dedicated object ce7256e013
Fix naming mistake in the GetText initialization for project registration c3c5bae062
Have an easy way ton instantiate project_xml_importer 1ed1b33ea5
Display scrum template no action on click yet b884dee241
REST creation of projects with XML templates fc2e314fa7
Remove useless type assertion 7548652c5d
Change logic for project template fetch 80f50fa230
Project creation is done 100% with XML import 03d3e3c653
Scrum template is generated on the fly 0af781067e
TemplateFactoryTest::testItReturnsScrumTemplateXML randomly fails 89a712bb78
Introduce the 'Project information' step 43449cb815
Ensure all XML template needed services are available on the platform 48c79ca128
Have a better structure for vue app 82b754862e
(Dis)allow restricted users to create projects b79c93074c
Slug project name b38838103b
Replace direct test of sys_use_project_registration 8c49006d09
Add the privacy switch button ab4ac11912
Create project and redirect user on his personal dashboard d266170f74
Record xml template used for project creation 5e97e2a5a3
display error message if project creation fails 686e8d39ec
Display the privacy list when the plateform take in account the restricted users 2d51735aad
Slugified project short name must be editable b3026713d2
Refactor update of Project Categories update 4b7eaf01a3
Update check for mandatory categories cfbbf82fb6
Create project with categories abed41d031
Rest API should respect platform configuration and do not validate just created projects f2da380cae
Correct project registration rpm a2bbb969b0
REST project creation enforce categories checks 8576093c29
display message when platform need an admin approval 475b989594
Use trove categories at project creation 8f62d05f43
F5 one new-information should redirect user on the begining of project creation 135ae53221
Extract field creation logic in a dedicated reusable object 9dc8f0a29b
Have the project registration built code in the same assets 007448c776
Add the "Congratulation!" modal when the project is created without admin approvation fc714a7de7
User should be able to submit REST fields in post /projects 02eea0cabc
Choose description at project creation 4247d6143d
POST projects fields should validate user input c0e0b47267
French translation import is broken 7baddeded5
Display project TOS a5ccfdb1fe
Add feature flag dd2682b12b
Display custom fields 55f602bb57
Reorder project privacy list 722238ae1d
Rest route fails when project use legacy field long description 995487b3ee
Serivces should inherit the parent project status in rest creation d848dffb78
Integrates new templates from WIP service templates 3c0ca4cd02
Core svn and TV3 usage must not be inherited from template f51c426494
Take in account the company template when a new project is created 7efaecc91b
Fix the wrong return type of the method getTemplate from TemplateFactory.php 41d427a781
Fix the display of the cursor at template choice c650e4433d
Remove some inconsistency code in project creation service 141f2b2f42
Fix the text displayed in the project privacy choice tooltip of the new project creation page 0c82cdc9d2
Display from an other project card 70dd8ea2ad
Project service route should provide the service icon 80af153bad
Project templates should not be displayed twice c3c79749aa
Integration template service db6eef4756
Merge commit 'refs/changes/08/17308/2' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD 41027a4f8c
Replace default Kanban structure - It now uses the same than in Kanban Template d7c3f6b448
Enhance the descrption of the Tuleap templates 84117a2fbf
Rest route project/id/project_services should not throw 403 for non admin project 3bf92e0dcc
Integration template service aaf06d353a
Test should not rely on full State but only declare and use what they really need 12069567af
Kanban import should be able to import widget when user is not administrator and project is pending 1836c04c63
Tuleap Scrum template should not contain TTM trackers 5ee673ad6e
Create project button should be disabled while processing request 514fc96aeb
Add the default project template to the new project registration page 62204e3744
Start scrum should allow add in place of tasks in taskboard 178fa2434a
request #20907: Remove legacy project creation page 4f2ecfd01b


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Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2019-11-05 09:06
gerrit #16624 integrated into Tuleap

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