      request #8523 Move to milestone option in addition to drag-drop
    Patrick Renaud (patrick.renaud)
    2015-10-29 19:30
    2015-10-21 17:23
    Move to milestone option in addition to drag-drop
    I find that I have to navigate across screens way too much in Tuleap, especially when reaching the transition period in between two releases. In this case I have to move incomplete items back to the backlog, and then again to a new release backlog.

    My main screen is the sprint planning view of the release. During the transition period, I too often have to switch to the top planning view, open up the current release milestone, locate the incomplete items, drag-drop them to the top backlog, etc. This is time consuming and, to be frank, pretty annoying....

    I would like to skip having to open up the top backlog planning view if I can avoid it and stay in the usual sprint planning view of my current release. I propose an additional action from the sprint planning view: select the item, and choose "move to Top Backlog", or "move one planning level up", or something along these lines.

    The same concept would be applicable as an alternative to the current drag-drop. I could use it to plan an item for a given milestone by simply selecting it from the backlog and clicking "move to milestone 'x'", for example.

    What do you think?

    I am open to any other suggestion that would result in improving the usability of the agile planning views and reducing the number of clicks we have to perform all the time to get through our work.
    Agile Dashboard
    • [x] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement
    Referenced by request #8523


    User avatar
    > We didn't really decided to make it slow ;)

    No it's fine, I know you're not masochist! :-) loll!

    > Of course in the marvelous world of JS libraries, in the meantime the lib was abandoned by the original developers. A new dev came up but he is not really willing to address those issues.

    You understand that you cannot replace pv1 with pv2 until this has been resolved though....
    User avatar
    > Yes, for sure the focus should be on PV2. But even on PV2 I feel that my comments are applicable to simplify the navigation and reduce the dependency on drag`n`drop.


    > Speaking of drag'n'drop: can you make it so that it responds in a snappier way?

    We didn't really decided to make it slow ;)
    We are facing a perf issue with the JS lib we selected.

    Of course in the marvelous world of JS libraries, in the meantime the lib was abandoned by the original developers. A new dev came up but he is not really willing to address those issues. We have a good bet on a new "fashion" lib, draggula but it's a bit too early to decide to switch ATM.
    User avatar

    Yes, for sure the focus should be on PV2. But even on PV2 I feel that my comments are applicable to simplify the navigation and reduce the dependency on drag`n`drop.

    Speaking of drag'n'drop: can you make it so that it responds in a snappier way? It is quite frustrating to move several elements from the bottom to the top of a deep backlog. Having an option like the one suggested here would greatly help despite a slow drag'n'drop.

    I understand this falls in the category of general enhancements to the Agile Dashboard usability. I am simply reporting punctual items of annoyance with the current implementation in the hope that they are being addressed by your new work-in-progress implementation.
    User avatar
    This is rather annoying indeed but IMHO, we should first focus on bringing Planning v2 in GA (and getting rid of Planning v1) so we can have a more coherent navigation in the Agile Dabhoard (story #8382)